Chapter 3: GeT Out oF mY HeAd!!!

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The wait is over! Here's the new chapter!!! Hope you all enjoy reading it! 😜

*Cough cough* Blind Wing cough off some black stuff.
".........." He looked into his hand holding that black stuff on his hand. Blind Wing whip it away.
"I'm going to train...." Said Blind Wing going to train.
"The first one or the second one?" Scar Lion ask.
Blind Wing walk half to the exist.
"..........The second one......." Blind Wing went out and goes to his training.
"Guess it's time?... His innocent really having feeling about his friends and past self.... Hope Blind Wing can help himself from stop feeling emotions.....
He can't keep coughing that black water that trap his innocent away..." Death Flame explain as he was sharping his bey, Lava Beast.
"You know? To make him stop feeling is to break him." Said Black Ghoul.
"But his already broken..." Said Scar Lion.
Was Black Ghoul being stupid, dumb, or forgetful?...
"I know that! I mean he need his innocent to break. Like for example; You have something that is close to you and treasure that forever?...
But what if someone or yourself destroy that thing you love. By angry, rage, sadness, revenge, stupidity,  fear, or force.... And that's will make you more broken inside...." Black Ghoul shot his bey to the ground and see it spins.
His words were so deep and dark.
"We have to wait till we find out if Blind Wing doesn't care of his so call "friend" anymore. And that's prove his broken to the center of his innocent." Said Scar Lion sharping her bey's tip, Fang Roar.
"Who knows when or whenever it will happen..." Said Shadow Claw hunting food with his bey.

Blind Wing walk further into the forest.
The Death Soul were hiding at a forest today to train and have plans for battling bladers to destroy.
*step step* *step step* *step step* *step step*
Then Blind Wing stop and finally reach his location to train.

*step step* *step step* *step step* *step step* Then Blind Wing stop and finally reach his location to train

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Blind Wing went into the lake with his clothes still on and goes to the bottom of the lake. Where you can see light up in the surface and dark nothingness on the both.
Blind Wing took out his launcher and bey. And was doing a launch inside the lake his in right now.
"3....... 2........ 1........ Let it..............RIP!!!!!!"
Blind Wing shout in his head and launch his bey, Corruption Killer.
Corruption Killer is spinning around the water like the water gravity pull doesn't effects it.
Blind Wing sits down on the watery sand and sitting crisscross. And going deep into his thoughts.
And going to give himself more power to himself and Corruption Killer.
Blind Wing open his eyes and wasn't in the water anymore. He was nowhere but black surrounding of nothingness. He got up and starts walking.
*step step* *step step* *step step* *step step*
Blind Wing spotted a door and open it.
Stage one: Flaming Rock Slide...
Boiling hot flaming rocks pouring and falling down to the pit of burning hot lava.
Blind Wing summons Corruption Killer's claws and punch the hot burning lava like it was nothing or even hot?... And defeating the boss was just to easy and simple for him. He been in here when his first cough of black stuff came.
Blind Wing had a hard time defeating and passing every stage he has to go. Then more and more it was just to easy that it bores him from the same old same old weak bosses.
Stage two: Purple Fire Walls...
Blind Wing summons black spikes growling into his skin. He charge, dodge, run, and plan when the purple walls starts firing up to his path to just block him to continued. But that was no match for him and he made it to the boss.
And he kill that purple flaming beast into it's place.
"Hm.... Pathetic...." Blind Wing walks away and open the next door.
Stage three: Green Headed Beast...
The three headed beast roared and charged at Blind Wing. On stage three the boss goes up first.
Blind Wing dodges it and summons a black and red eyes tail/tentacle and charge at the three headed beast.
The Green headed beast were defeated.
"Your a dead mutt....." Blind Wing went to the next one.
Stage four: Death Blades...
Blades winging back and forth with poison on them. Just one cut and your straight to hell.
Blind Wing summons his black feet of Corruption Killer. He was jumping and running high speed and height. Every dodge counts sometime the blade change rhyme once you starts you can't escape.
Blind Wing dodge all of them like a pro and doesn't care that he did make it out. He wasn't finish, he has to defeat the boss form hell.
"You maybe the Lord of hell. But I'm the Lord of fear and hatred!" Blind Wing finished him off with one blow.
Stage five: ............
"What's going to be today?..." Blind Wing hates this stage. This is the stage he has a hard time beating.
He starts walking up straight, keeping his guard up.
Everywhere of his surrounding was blank of black.
*step step* *step step* *step step* *step step*

Beyblade Burst Evolution: Blind Wing (Shu x Valt)Where stories live. Discover now