The Beginning

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It was Monday afternoon and my master was upstairs doing his studies. Mayrin was helping baldrouy in the kitchen and finny was in the garden tending to the flowers. I quietly cleaned a bookshelf until I heard a knock on the door. There was a male and a female both around 18 one with shoulder length brown hair and eyes. The other with grey eyes and blonde hair that was short as my lords. They were both sweaty and tired they looked startled. "Please Mr. you have to help us", The brunette said.the other girl had her hands on her knees panting. "And why should I?" I questioned. "We were chased here" blonde huffed. "By what?" I responded. "This dark shadow" the brunette answered me. "I see" I whispered. I opened the door more so they could walk in. The brunette walked in first slightly pushing the blonde. "You both must be quiet, my lord doesn't like guests when he isn't informed" I hushed the blonde came in after the brunette looking at me for a moment or two. "Thank you" he said.

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