'Because she can't do it.'

'Why can't she? She must've wanted the ring Dad left for me and she sent the men.'

'Listen to you,' Leo raised his voice. 'this is your mom you are talking about.'

'Leo,' I stood up from the bed and sat with him on the couch, 'believe me. I saw her when I was kidnapped. I am deadly sure she's the one who kidnapped me.'

'And why would she do this? Huh?'

'The ring!' I exclaimed. 'She wants the ring.'

'Elsa,' Leo turned his neck to look at me, 'I have known her my whole life. She can't do this. Never.'

'Okay then! Don't believe me! I will soon prove it to you whatever I am saying is correct.'

'Listen, I know you have hated her but she is your mother.' Leo twisted to look at me. 'She loves you.' Just as he said those words, my stomach churned. Part of me wanted to believe it but, part of me still thought it was my own mother. She left me, how could I love her?

'Bullshit.' Now it was my turn to say this as I stood up.

Leo sighed. 'Stop thinking about it. We'll find out soon who did that.' He said as he left the room.

I spent the rest of the day figuring out what happened. Dr. Madison rung me up in the afternoon informing me that she has analysed the diagrams of the brain I had sent her and according to her, it was made for artificial intelligence. Someone planning on to build an army of robots with much advanced AI.

At the very second, I knew who she was talking about. From Hades' headquarter, I understood he would only use robots.

'Yo! Elsa!' The door of my room opened, revealing an excited Austin.


'We're going to a club. Wanna join in?' I raised my eyebrows. Club? We are not allowed to go to clubs.

'Are you nuts? Marie would kill us.'

'Yeah, she would if she'd find out.' Austin wiggled his eyebrows. 'Come on, let's go. Everyone has agreed to.'

I narrowed my eyes in slits as, without even considering, I said, 'Alright! I'll be down soon.'

Austin smiled widely. 'I knew you won't disappoint me! We'll be leaning in ten. Get ready.'

'Okay.' He closed the door behind.

I sat on the bed as if to reconsider what I just agreed to. But when I really thought about it, it was nothing to worry about. Not that I really cared about Marie's rules.

I walked to the closet to see what I had. Instead of black jackets and shirts and pants, I had nothing else. For just a moment, I thought about borrowing something from Chloe but then as I thought about it, I gagged.

I took my newest black t-shirt out and my black pants. After wearing them, I stared into the mirror.

I looked dead.

My bags draped around my eyes and my face paled. My blond hair were a complete mess. Since my left arm was injured, I did it know if I could do much with my hair.

The Girl in Black (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now