And then, as we were approaching, a guard ran into the corridor. "The rebels are attacking! Everyone, to your posts!" The flurry was instantaneous. Most of the guards ran away orderly, probably to the doors. Maple and I exchanged panicked glances and pretended to be two ordinary maids running away, wherever they could. I couldn't help thinking about the others, hoping they were all right.

I couldn't tell if the twins were behind us, given the commotion. It was like the sleepy castle had woken up. Maple and I sprinted together, towards Ivy's room. I clenched the swords tighter in my palms, stopping them from falling out. We were making good progress. No one seemed to suspect us- and we reached her corridor. We flew down it- I heard the boys behind us- and there were at least ten guards standing there.

Aiden and Arden reached our heels, and we all stared at them and they stared at us for a brief moment. Then everyone moved. I let the swords slip out and grabbed them, hilt first, pointing towards the guards. Maple brandished her sword, Arden right next to her, and Aiden looked positively lethal holding a dagger, his preferred weapon.

They rushed at us and we rushed at them. I swung myself into the fray, ducking and stabbing wherever I could. But these guards were strong, seasoned fighters who wouldn't back down quickly. Plus, they had the advantage of armor and strength. But that armor also made them bulky, which meant I was faster.

One of them brought his sword down, swiping under my knees. I jumped, letting it pass under me, and swung around, so one of my swords connected with his neck and the other flew into the shoulder of a guard behind me.

The corridor became darker, barely enough light. Time was running out. I caught Arden's eye. We had to get in now. I ignored the cuts and bruises I had acquired, and we were cutting through the guards, one at a time- even when hit, they wouldn't stay down.

Then a towering mound of dirt rose, and, before we could realize what was happening, slammed into Maple, knocking her off her feet. I exchanged a glance with Aiden in that one moment, and he nodded briefly.

I raised my hands, and water from a fountain outside rose and smashed through a window, rushing towards us. I saw a guard's gray eyes widen from behind his helmet right before I slammed the water into him, knocking him out cold.

My senses felt heightened; aware. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Arden and Maple fighting back to back, swords flying and one hand out. Their disguises were disappearing. Aiden was fighting viciously, calling in blasts of air, striking guards with his dagger at the same time. His fake features melted to show who he really was.

The corridor was madness. Air was blasting around, vines and branches were creeping in, and we were fighting like devils. But the guards weren't backing down. As much as we used the Forest, they summoned walls of rock; as much as we fought, they fought back. They had the advantage of numbers. There were more of them.

But we cut through them, until pushed through and reached the door. "Go!" Aiden shouted, blocking a guard swinging at me. I had no time to think, and I pushed open the door.

I don't know what I had been expecting.

The room was completely dark. I couldn't see anything. But as soon as I entered, all the torches lining the room blew on. And then I saw them.

I noticed Ivy first, her dark hair in a spiky braid, gripping a sword and glaring at me murderously, standing in the middle of the room. Then I saw Forreston, a crown perfectly placed on his head, standing in the corner to her right. And there was his father, looking at me calmly from her left corner.

Finally she spoke. "Elvina." I lifted a sword slightly. "Ivy." I tried to make that one word, that one syllable, as insulting as I could, putting all the venom I could into it. But now that I was here, my courage failed me.

The Last Princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن