Just like that, my feelings for him disappeared. Even at that moment, my small brain knew that I was rejected. I will not talk about the other eight guys, because they were all nearly similar to the first one, except the first one only pushed me and told me he doesn't like to play with me, while the others humiliated and bullied me.

The remaining three I met in college, Danny, James and Cody.

Danny Williams, was my first crush in college. James Jordan was the second, I asked him out the previous summer, he at least rejected me kindly, while Cody Smith, who was my last crush, I asked him out the previous summer, he rejected me rudely.

"Earth to Jessie!" I snapped back into reality, and looked at my best friend, Emma Taylor, who has been waving her hands at me, and calling my name the last few minutes, as I can recall.

"What?" I muttered. Digging the fork in my hand into the spaghetti in front of me, and staring shyly at my best friend, ignoring her suspicious glares.

"I have been calling your name, for the thousandth time now!" she exclaimed " Where were you?"

"I was right here." I said, and put some spaghetti in my mouth. Emma was glaring at me, as if I had done something stupid, she always glares at me when she doesn't like something I've said and done.

"That's not what I mean." She pouted, looking cuter and much prettier than she already was.

"What do you mean then?" I asked innocently, Emma raised her right brow, and sighed in frustration, I just smiled at her innocently, and batted my eyelashes.

"You were daydreaming again." She said, as if daydreaming is the worst crime that's been happening in Louisville this past year.

Didn't she know that murder was the highest ranking crime the past year in our city? She probably didn't. She had better knowledge in fashion and cinema than weird and nerdy things, unlike me.

"Sorry..." I said finally, she just smiled and stared at my empty, dirty dish in front of me, she frowned then stared at her own untouched one.

"How do you do that?" She asked, frowning.

"I have a big tummy." I smiled, Emma laughed and shook her head at me, I grinned and shrugged, not really knowing how I managed to finish all my meal today. Sometimes I barely touched my food, my father always complained that I've become thin lately. But I don't think so, what is it with parents wanting to make their children as fat as they can?

Emma was surprised at my late eating habits, because she knows normally I can't eat this much, whenever I get depressed for a while, I lose my appetite completely, it's been more than five months since Cody rejected me, so the depressed period was finished, and I was back to being cheerful and enjoying life.

Okay, I lied. I was not cheerful, or happy, or enjoying life at all. I only pretended to be so, and my overeating was due to lacking nutrients and minerals in my body, and not eating enough food for the past five months, so it's kind of a reflex my body makes I guess, this happens to me all the time.

"Did you read Pride and Prejudice yet?" I asked, shaking my head at her weird eating habits. Her mouth was full of the spaghetti, and she was trying to talk with her mouth full, the result was total disaster.

"Appshhhlllyyy, nnnnnn..." She said, I sighed and glared at her, yep, it was definitely my turn to glare at her. She smiled sheepishly and swallowed the food.

"Actually, no." She said. You're kidding me!

"What?" I exclaimed, what does she mean? We had to finish the report on Monday. And here she said she hadn't read it.

"Sorry.." She muttered, as she kept busying herself with the spaghetti in front of her, not meeting my eyes.

"We have to finish it on Monday, Emmy," I complained "And you know it's Four hundred and thirty two pages."

Emma's cheeks reddened, which immediately made me feel sorry for her, but she had to know better, this was big. We had to finish the report before anyone else, Mr. Bailey promised an A plus to any group which finished it before anybody else. The report was simple and easy, we just had to write a summary about the book, plus our own ideas and thoughts about the good and bad parts of the book, also we had to write about our opinions on the author, like what Jane Austen could have done to make the book better, or what was extra or lacking in her book, which is (if you ask me) totally ridiculous, how can anyone criticize a great author as Jane Austen, but well we had to do what we wanted to do.

The problem was, my best friend, has not even read any word, and it was already Wednesday, only four days left. It wouldn't have mattered if the person who has not read it was me, since I was a fast reader and I had already read the book. But this is Emma we're talking about, she's a slow reader and she hates books. I have no idea how she has gotten into school of literature, if she doesn't like books, or English, or grammar for that matter.

As you can probably guess, I study English literature at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Me and Emma became friends since the day we first met, we were always together, and supported each other. After two years we became best friends eventually.

"Can I watch the movie instead?" Emma asked for the third time that day.

"No, Emmy." I answered for the third time too. "I already told you, books have many emotions and details in them, unlike movies. Movies skip the fun part, besides our mission is to know what Jane Austen thinks, not what the director of the movie thinks."

Emma rolled her eyes, and muttered something under her breath which I didn't quite hear.

"What?" I asked, she shrugged and continued eating her spaghetti, sometimes I question if we're truly friends or not, because we're just very different.

She is blonde, I am brunette.

She has curly hair, I have straight.

She has dark eyes despite the fact that she's blonde and her skin is pale (which is very weird), I have green eyes.

She is confident, and well I'm not.

I'm not just different from Emma, I'm also different from my other best friend, my sweet, kind, wild yet innocent childhood best friend, Rachel. When Emma and Rachel met, they immediately became friends too, so the three of us are inseparable and we extremely love each other. 

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