Forgive me, will you? (III)

82 6 7

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Title of Book:
Forgive me, will you?

Grammar is not too bad, there were several mistakes. But these errors weren't too noticeable so it didn't affect the reading of the story. The story had some basic words and I would suggest bringing a bigger vocabulary in your writing to entice the readers. But I do enjoy the way you write, which reflects on the character's emotions instead of actions like the others.

It's an interesting idea, but I believe that it could be expanded more. Also, you should make something more clear. Like the villain's motive and such, if not it is unclear why a character would do such a thing. But otherwise, the plot is interesting and it would be nice to perhaps make a sequel or prequel to cover up some plot holes. This one-shot is the type that tries to pull your heartstrings and I say it does, only if you know and are emotionally connected to them. To the new readers who aren't familiar with this author's characters may find it to be bland and confusing but if you take the time to learn the characters, it makes their stories more enjoyable


Cover Book:

Overall this writer has potential, I was disappointed in certain factors but it was honestly alright.

(Jade you copied mine. -MT)

(I haven't even finished for god sake, who the fuck went and published it. And yes, I copied the base so I wouldn't mix up the order -Jade)

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