Today Was Long Overdue

Start from the beginning

Jay's lips rolled into a smile as he patted his holster. "Always. This guy has been with me since Rangers."

"Phenomenal. Let's go meet your new unit," Hank replied. Jay felt his palms start to sweat and a sense of nervousness shoot through his body. He had to have a good first impression. "Everybody," Hank gruffly announced, stepping to the side. "This is the newest member of IU, Detective Jay Halstead. He served a few tours for the Rangers, and was in Undercover before he got shot and moved up here."

Everyone nodded. "That is Alvin. If I'm not here, he's in charge," Jay waved to the man. He wouldn't admit it, but he looked like a guy off the streets. "You know Antonio," They both laughed. "This is Adam, he is, Adam." Adam rolled back from his chair and waved.

"These are our two patrol guys, Burgess and Atwater. We need something, we call them. They'll be joining Intelligence in a few months," Jay waved at the two patrol officers.

"And this is Lindsay, you're partner. Treat her with respect." Hank left the room and closed the door to his office.

Jay walked around the room, introducing himself formally to each one of his new friends. He stopped at Erin's desk, and he was sure he was going to fall to his knees. Her dirty blonde hair fell to her shoulders and the shirt she was wearing sculpted her body. The light makeup she applied set well with her outfit. Jay was sure this woman was more beautiful than anyone else he has ever set eyes on. "Jay." He stuck out his hand.

She looked up from her paperwork and smiled. Her bright smile made his whole body weak. It was the most gorgeous smile he has ever seen. "Erin." Her voice sounded like angels. He knew this girl would be the end of him.

"Nice to meet you, partner," He couldn't take his eyes off of hers. And the moment her hazel eyes connected with his, his breathe was stuck in his throat.

Erin seemed to notice. Jay could sense the red tint on her cheeks. She was obviously attracted to him as well. "I look forward to working and get to know you," Her dimples popped out. "I drive, though."

Jay smiled nervously, his hand still lingering on hers. "I definitely look forward to getting to know you."

That was almost three years ago. And they were both right. The other would be the death of the other one. Life has a funny way of connecting two people.

The partners formed a special bond from day one, and had been through hell and back. Shootings, close calls, the boundary of being only friends, cries and laughter, pleasure and anger, love and heartbreak. But yet; that didn't stop them. Here they were now, January twenty seventh, 2018.

The day had rapidly approached the family. Between work, the new house, Jax's high school life, and twins on the way, it had been hectic to say the least. Erin and Jay were relieved they hired Bailey to wedding plan, and of course Camille couldn't stay away. She went with Bailey to get supplies and set up. This was her little girl's wedding! She would as was there every step of the way.

"Erin, darling, don't cry now! It's your wedding day! You should be happy!" Camille reassured her daughter and rubbed her arm as she looked into the mirror. Erin had been hormonal all week and she couldn't control it. This was her dream day. A day she always dreamed of since she met Jay. And it was here! And their son was in the other room, getting ready to be the best man to his father.

Erin wiped away her tears and smiled into the mirror. "I know, I know. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up," She knew exactly why. She was carrying two kids. "And it's Jay. I get to marry my best friend. I'm excited, but so nervous."

"Darling, you shouldn't be," She promised as she helped Erin up from the chair. Camille admired her daughter's dress. It fit her perfectly. It was simple and elegant. Something Erin loved. The white material was covered in lace on her upper body, and the sleeves went three fourths down her arms. It flared out at the waist, and her veil was covering her face. The material felt like silk against her soft skin. The dress made Erin feel like a princess. And today she was one.

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