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"Well, this is my cramped apartment," Jin chuckled lightly.

"Wow, with a bit of renovating, this place could look amazing!" Irene bubbled. Jin grinned at that. 

"You really think so?" Jin asked.

"Yes! Totally," Irene said sincerely. 

"So I guess you could fix the typewriter in the living room, it has the most space," Jin suggested. Irene nodded, her curls bouncing along. She set the typewriter down on a wooden, once polished table. She took her place beside the table, grabbed a handful of tools from her satchel, and began to work. Jin felt awkward; he had no idea what he was supposed to do while she was working. 

Talk to her? Stare at her? 

He cleared his throat and nervously slipped a leather-bound novel from his worn out shelf. Dust spewed out of the shelf to Jin's surprise and as a result, he started coughing hysterically. His face reddened as the dust trapped itself into Jin's throat. Once Irene realized that her only customer was practically choking, she instantly sprang from her place and rapidly patted Jin's back.

"Oh lord, are you okay?" Irene gasped. Jin barely managed a slight nod, he could feel the dust mockingly dancing around in his throat. 

"No, you're not. That was a foolish question," Irene mumbled anxiously. She raced to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She sprinted back to Jin and placed the glass of water against his plump, luscious lips. Jin was panicking, but he did not think twice and consumed the water swiftly. Jin gasped, his throat was burning. The dust eventually washed away but he still felt a remaining amount scratching against his throat.

"Do you feel better now?" Irene asked softly as she stroked his shoulder with her small hand.

"Y-yes, I feel much better. Thanks," Jin stammered and stood up at once. Irene sighed in relief.

"I'll get back to your typewriter," Irene said and smiled. As she smiled, her left eyebrow quirked up. Jin couldn't help but think about how adorable that was.

✣ ✣ ✣

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Jin asked Irene, who was slipping on her shoes.

"You bet," Irene bubbled. She was always so cheerful, maybe that meant she was hiding something underneath her dimples.

They bid farewell to each other and Jin pushed his old wooden door to a close. Jin was terribly exhausted, he hadn't been able to get enough sleep for the past few nights. Perhaps it was due to the breaking of the typewriter. 

A few hours later, Jin decided to fix himself a nice dinner. After all, he was a pretty good cook. 

He hummed as he stirred his mouthwatering stew until he was startled by the apparent knocking against his door. Unfortunately, Jin accidentally burned his finger on the sizzling stove. 

"Sh-sh-ooowww!" Jin whimpered. He waved his finger rapidly in the air, trying to ease the pain. With his burning finger tightly cupped in his other hand, Jin approached the door and opened it.

"Yes?" Jin said before he saw the person who stood before the door.

It was Irene but her usual warm smile had been replaced by a frown covered with slithering tears.

"Irene, w-what's wrong?" Jin gasped. 

"I-i-it's..." Irene could barely speak. Jin gently took her hand and invited her in.

"It's alright, take a few breaths and then talk," Jin said softly. Irene nodded. She let herself calm down first and then she began to speak.

"My father," Irene paused. She felt another rush of tears approaching. Irene exhaled deeply and looked deep into Jin's dark eyes. 

"He's dead."

✣ ✣ ✣

Jin did not know what to say. Instead, he pulled her into a soft embrace to comfort her. Irene let it all out, she was sobbing heavily against Jin's chest. 

"Jin, I don't know what to do, he's still lying on the ground in our house," Irene sobbed.

"What happened?" Jin wondered.

"I guess it's because of what happened to our repair shop, he probably got a heart attack," Irene sniffled. 

"I don't know what to do, Jin!" 

"First, let's get him to a hospital," Jin said calmly. 

After what had felt like ages, Jin and Irene arrived at the hospital.

"I am terribly sorry for your loss, darling," a nurse said, her voice coated with sympathy. Irene nodded. 

"Thank you for accompanying me Jin, even though we only just met," Irene said quietly, attempting a smile.

"It's nothing," Jin replied casually.

"At the moment I've got a lot of time on my hands," Jin smiled. He put on his hat as they exited the hospital. 


"Yes, Irene?" 

"I don't think I can sleep by myself at home tonight."

Heyy I know this chapter was pretty rushed and 

crappy but again, this is my first fanfic

I hope that anyone who read it enjoyed...


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