Chapter 8: Ferris Wheels & Mustardy-Hotdogs

Start from the beginning

"So, can we just cut the crap?"

What..??? I turned to look at Gabe who was coming in closer.

"I know you're just using him to make me jealous Valerie. He might have feelings for you, but there's no way you can feel the same way about him with the way you've been looking at me all night. It's clearer than day," Gabe was now inches away, but I didn't feel intimidated at all.

"So what if I am?" I asked, pushing my face even closer to his. We were standing sort of in the shadows by the side of the ride where no one could see us. "Is it working?" I whispered.

"Damn right it is." He put his hands behind my shoulders and suddenly I was up against him as his lips crashed onto mine. His hand traveled up to the back of my head as he kissed me deeply and I was absolutely lost. Our lips moved together and my hands felt the muscles through his shirt. After a moment, we both pulled back for air.

"Woah," I whispered. He grinned at me and wiped my lip gloss from his mouth.

"I've been wanting to do that for awhile now," he said. I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear. That was amazing.

But then I remembered Bea.

"So, I just gotta say, I'm not really into this whole 'openly' dating thing." I leaned against the fence nearby and he ran his fingers through his dark hair.

"I'm going to end things with Beatrice." He came close to me again. "She's sweet, but you," he placed another soft kiss on my lips, "you are something else, Val." His eyes shined as he said this and my heart began to race. I had fantasized about kissing those lips countless times, and I couldn't believe that it was finally happening. Gabriel Barnes liked me.

He took a step back just as Bea returned. "Hey, sorry about that. that was my dad. He wants me to come home now. Do you mind going to get the car started, Gabe?" she asked politely.

"Of course. I'll go get it and pull around to the entrance. Bye Valerie," he turned to me and smiled with those beautiful lips I had just been kissing before he headed towards the parking lot. I gave him a smile in return.

And that's when Beatrice let it all out.

"I didn't mean for this to happen Valerie, I promise. One of the cheerleaders who asked me to come take a photo of the squad for yearbook set me up on this blind date and I agreed because I've been lonely and I didn't have the heart to tell her no. She was so excited and said that we would be perfect for each other." Bea paused and looked to see if I was still listening. I stared at her blankly as she continued. "I showed up at the diner, and there was Gabe. Of course, I instantly thought of you, and I was going to leave, but he saw me and I couldn't just walk out on him. I tried to just play it cool, but we really hit it off Val. And I know that's not what you want to hear, but I really like him and with everything going on in my life, I really need someone right now."

This set me over the edge. "You really need someone right now? You could have chosen anyone, Bea! Literally anyone. But you just had to choose the one I have wanted for three years, didn't you? Just because your parents are getting a divorce you think you're somehow allowed to need someone that I've wanted?" I knew I shouldn't have said it, but I was angry and the words rolled off of my tongue like fire.

"Oh don't even start on getting things that you want, Valerie," she spat at me. "You get everything you want. Not everyone has parents that treat them like a princess."

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