2. The Problem With Saying "It's Lit" Is That We Mean It Literally

Start from the beginning

Laughing more enthusiastically, I went and grabbed the candle from the kitchen, bringing it into the living room and sitting about five feet away from the fireplace. I picked up another ball of flames in my hands and began playing basically a game of catch with the fireplace. I was so caught up in what I was doing that I didn't notice the front door opening, and I definitely didn't notice my parents standing in the archway, looking at me with wary eyes until my father said my name.

It startled me, and when I went to throw another ball of flames, it hit the concrete wall beside the fireplace. "Mom," I started, walking over to them with a smile, "Dad! You are not going to believe what I can do!"

Before I even got the chance to show them, my father was dragging me by my arm to the den. "Where did you learn how to do that," he demanded, the grip on my arm tightening painfully.

I whined in pain, trying to rip my arm free as my eyes filled with tears. "N-Nowhere, Dad!" My voice came out pained and scared, tears falling from my eyes as I finally got my arm free. "It just happened! I s-swear!"

Just as my father was going to speak again, my mom came and pulled me behind her and started talking very sternly to him. "George, stop," she said defiantly. "We knew this was a possibility, don't get angry with him."

Confused, I looked up at my mom. "A possibility," I questioned. "Me being able to force fire out of my fingertips was a possibility?"

My mom sighed before turning to fully face me. "Your grandfather - my father," she started, choosing her words carefully, "was a pyrokinetic. He began manipulating fire at 13, just like you are now. When you didn't get your powers on your birthday, we thought that - maybe - you wouldn't be cursed with the same thing he was. Turns out it just took some time to get to you."

I was still confused, but I didn't have time to ask questions before I was being ushered up to my room to pack my things. According to my mom, if people in town found out I was like my grandfather, they would be afraid; afraid enough to try to kill me before my powers got too advanced. Within the next two weeks, we were pulling up in Arlington Heights, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago where my parents thought we would be safe enough to live while I got my powers under control.

They enrolled me in school within another week, and I was already deemed the 'weird, new kid.' No one would talk to me, but I would always see a girl with turquoise hair and a boy with matching eyes watching me from a separate table. After a couple of weeks, they finally approached me on my way home. "You're Ryan, right," the girl asked me, earning a nod before her and the taller boy were pulling me down a weird street and into an abandoned, old house.

"Ryan," the guy started, "we have a sort of -" he paused, looking at the girl "-feeling about you. So we want to show you something."

Before I could ask, the girl pointed her hand toward a wall opposing us and what looked like snow began flowing from her hand and completely freezing over the wall in front of us. "Holy shit," I said excitedly, earning a chuckle from her and the tall male. When I turned to watch him, he already had his hands outstretched toward the lights, making them flicker (which should've been impossible considering how old the house is) and then surging them so much that they exploded. I smiled widely. "So," I started excitedly, "electricity and ice manipulation?"

"More creation than manipulation," the girl said, "but yes. I'm Ashley, and this is Dallon. We met when we were kids, but we just recently got our powers."

"What can you do," Dallon cut in, sticking his hands in his pockets shyly.

I looked around briefly before turning back to them. "Either of you have a lighter?" Ashley reached into her backpack, pulling out a simple black lighter and I smiled. "Light it."

She did as I said and I lifted my hand above the flame, practically pulling it out of the lighter until it was a ball in my hands, which I threw at the wall Ashley had recently frozen. I turned back to them to see them both smiling excitedly. "Pyrokinetic," Ashley said happily. "Awesome."

October 2017

Flash forward four years, we are now juniors in high school and we've yet to meet anyone else like us. And trust me, we've looked. Together, we learned how to control our powers and make sure that none of us got a big head over what we could do.

About a month into the new school year, we got a new student - Brandon or something like that. I hadn't seen him yet, but Ashley immediately started gushing about how cute he is, telling me I should take my chance on him before someone else does.

I touched her arm and burned her for that.

About a week after he showed up, I passed by the library to see him sitting at a table by himself. I stopped and watched him, smiling softly. Ashley was right, he's really fucking cute. Just before I walked away, I saw him go to pick up one of his books and drop it, but before it hit the ground, he held out his hand and stopped it in midair, making it hover just a few inches off the ground.

My mouth hung open and brows furrowed as I watched him look around the library before levitating the book back to the table. I quickly rushed down the hall, coming to lean against a row of lockers as I let out a stream of air.

"Holy shit."

* * *

//a/n: HoLy HeCk HeRe We Go!!!1!!!11

Alé here! I hope you guys like this so far! Things will get funnier with only pinches of angst as the story goes along, so I hope you guys are ready for this wILd RiDE that Izzy and I are about to drag you on! As Izzy put in the last author's note, she will be in charge of Brendon's (and whoever else's) POVs and I will be in charge of Ryan's (and whoever else's) POVs as the story progresses and more characters are introduced! //

All the love -


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