Chapter Twelve: Death and Rebirth

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Amelia walked down the long hallway to her room. It was slowly, very slowly, with every empty realization that it was only her, Rosa, and Lucia remaining, that she began to see how truly alone she was. And she was... less caring than she thought she'd be. There was no one. The servants, though they'd likely be running about later, were busy elsewhere.... She walked around and she was free. She didn't have to walk cautiously so that Andrew wouldn't tumble into her around the corner. She didn't have to stuff her magic deep down inside so that Jed wouldn't feel it.

So she just walked, empty, uncaring, blind and asleep inside.

She found her room to see that the dog was there, and groaned silently to herself because then she wouldn't be able to sleep like she'd wanted to. As soon as he saw her the dog leapt forward.

"Hush, little one," she said, laying her aching head down onto a pillow. "I'm too tired."

Ambis was almost successful in jumping onto the bed. His hind legs hung uselessly over the edge, front claws struggling for a grip. He yipped to her for assistance.

"Be silent." Her lips formed the words but hardly any sound.

His whine cut through her dulled thoughts. Her hand dragged over, grabbed the scruff of his neck, and plopped him next to her. He excitedly starting licking her face until she shoved him an armslength away.

Ambis started to get it... and he lie down curled at her feet on the covers.

Amelia, too tired to even loosen her dress, fell asleep as quickly as the pup.

Even her dreams were empty. Those which used to be so full of light and color, visions of the Quiet Lands, of her family and her trainings and her everstretching fields or forests... gone. Empty. Blank. Her sleep... which should have been restful... gave no aid. No reprieve. No restoration. When her eyes opened, though the rising sun pointed to a new day... she was too tired.

Without drawing the curtains closed, she slowly moved to a different position. The night had passed with her on her side in exactly the same way she'd fallen asleep.

It was painful to move... and it took energy that she didn't have. Her fists tightened over the covers in defeat.... Breathing took energy that she didn't have.

It would have been impossible to even think about getting up, so she didn't.

She lie there.

Struggling to take in every breath through squeezed lungs.

Again she sank into unrestful sleep.

Her eyes opened though she could swear she wasn't awake. The dog was gone. Her eyes closed again.

It was a mist she was stuck in. The curtain was heavy over her; when she tried to look forward, she saw no more than a handswidth away. If there was a way out of it, she couldn't see.

Then it was harder to open her lids. Harder to find the command to do so. Her head was deep in some unconscious suffering. Her body was fighting itself. Her limbs were so heavy it felt they would never rise again. She fought to keep breath parting her lips.


You are weak.

Her stomach was empty. Her head pounded. Her world spun before her eyes even unopened.

Get up. You know what will happen if you do not.

A choked groan came from her in a weak argument to the thought.

One hand moved an inch. The other slowly slid up as if she could've managed to rub her eyes.

Nothing else could move. After being in the same position for hours her side ached, but she could not move. She would not.

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