•Part One• Chapter One: Away

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She didn't know when they had left, or where they had gone. She didn't know exactly why they'd had to go, either.

But there she was.


Young enough to be considered a student among her people, yet old enough to be considered a woman, the girl had reached her fifteenth year. She had lived with her family in the capital of her home lands. She was the daughter of the King and Queen, and though they had no such title as "princess" in her home, she knew to at least acknowledge it wherever it was they were going.

"Come along, darling," spoke a voice.

She peeked up through her hair to see her uncle. As close as she had to an uncle, anyway. They were fleeing from her kingdom after the attacks that had taken it to its downfall, leaving her life and home for no reason she could tell.

Whatever way she could have argued fighting back, it didn't matter then. It was too late. Her home was not her home anymore... and would likely never be again.


Everything began to fade into itself. Days into days, faces into faces, and soon even weeks went by in oblivion as they traveled.

The word that sat so sourly in the back of her mouth was, "fleeing".

Finally, they had arrived.

They stood in the bright courtyard of a large castle. It stood tall and grey against the bright fields stretching behind it, while in front of it reached into a small village. From any perspective, the main keep, as well as the wall partially surrounding it, stood bright and happy in contrast to the pair standing before it, which only worsened the mood of the girl next to her escort.

A small group stood before them in waiting. An older woman, dressed in a flowing gown with high, proud shoulders stood next to two others. The younger female of the group seemed older than the girl, though only by a few years. She seemed to be stretching her neck up; posture stiff but as pronounced as possible, as if trying to demand respect from the hold of her chin alone, despite her disinterested gaze. Her long, loosely curled white-blonde hair was what drew the most attention of her figure.

The last of the trio was a young man. He stood taller than the others and seemed no older than the light-haired woman of his same group. His warm smile was sent to the foreign girl before then, who had peeked slightly out from under her hair, but flashed her head back to hang low once she caught his smile.

"Lucia," greeted her uncle, a grin in his voice.

"Jed," answered the older woman, her voice cradling the same tone. "It is good to see you again, old friend. I can't say that the years have been kind to you."

Uncle Jed laughed. "Ah, yes, well...." He glanced at the girl by his side and seemed to remember his purpose. "May I introduce Princess Amelia Eriseya Kiari of Constentine."

Princess Amelia kept her eyes to the ground. She heard a small snort from the group across from her, though two acknowledged her more properly.

"I am no princess," whispered Amelia in a tired, shaking voice, trying out this foreign language for herself. There were no king and queen left to parent her; how could she retain such a title?

The others seemed to understand the soft message and stood straight again, though the handsome man still bowed his head, showing his respect. The girl could practically see the sympathy in his and his mother's eyes.

Amelia turned her head slightly to the side, enough to see him more clearly. How curiously attractive he was, with golden brown hair that needed to be trimmed and gleaming brown eyes. He was quite a bit taller than Amelia herself, with long, firm arms and a lean complex. What she was most interested in was his attire, which appeared to be simple training cloths, in great contrast to the well-dressed women at his side. He wore simple brown trousers, boots, and a white cotton shirt. A trainer, perhaps?

"Princess Amelia Kiari and Jed of Constentine, you are both more than welcome in our humble land."

With the wave of a hand, the doors to the keep opened wide and Jed motioned for Amelia to move forward. He took the woman named Lucia's arm and walked her in, leaving Amelia with the two she did not know. If Jed were still present she would have glowered at him just the way the white-haired woman looked down to her.

The young man stepped forward. "Princess Amelia," he said to her. "Please excuse our lack of introduction. I am Andrew, Son of King Caleb and Queen Lucia of Firica." He then gestured toward the other woman, who now stood with her arms crossed and her eyes carefully avoiding the princess. "And this is Rosa, my sister of the same age."

Amelia had not moved. She continued to keep her look down, for fear these people would find something in her eyes that she otherwise would have kept hidden.

She did, however, notice that at the sound of her name, Rosa had turned and briskly swept herself inside.

"Please excuse my sister for she is not... truly by birth but of... previous relations with my father. He has since passed."

Amelia nodded. She understood well enough.

"Allow me to escort you inside. You must be tired of your long journey and eager to rest." He extended his hand to her but she refused it, turning instead and taking the moment to savor his words still hanging in the air; the wave of kindness that he had shown her. She stepped forward alone into the shadowy maw of the stone keep.

Inside, Lucia had a servant show Amelia upstairs to her chambers while calling Jed away, claiming they had much work and consultation begin.

The night after that passed quickly and softly without another word from the others.

The next day was carried much the same way: quickly and softly. A servant brought her a tray of food in the morning, which she hardly touched, finding their food unappetizing, and the girl remained in her room for most of the day. The chambers she was given were large, with two windows taking most of the wall that allowed her a view of the forest which cut through the green fields behind the building. Curtains hung on either side of the glass thick enough to cover all light, for which she was grateful as there were many sleepless nights for her. On the opposite wall, books lined most of the open space while paintings took up the rest where the wardrobe did not cover. Toward the back of the room was a grand, very comfortable looking bed, then a writing desk, an entrance to a bathing area. Overall it was very large and very open, which made her feel small yet gave her comfort as it was not as confining.

She spent that day fingering through the books until a knock rang on the door, announcing a servant who came to run a bath before dinner would be served.

Dinner was uneventful. Rosa was absent but Andrew and the other two chatted happily together around Amelia. No one commented on her silence or lack of appetite.

"Amelia, darling?" Lucia called to her.

When Amelia gave no answer, she continued. "Are you pleased with your room?"

"Quite, madam, I thank you," Amelia replied in a somewhat shaking voice.

Jed placed his thick hand on top of hers. "Darling, you may retire to your chambers, if it pleases you."

She nodded and excused herself. When Andrew rose to show her to her room, she waved a hand. "I will find it myself, thank you."

The night was silent again as she found her way through the halls. Her face had been hidden since they arrived, and Amelia had no intention of lifting her veil of dark hair to expose herself. And so her time went on.

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