Chapter 5: Have A Little Fun!

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   Elvis found himself sitting in the living room with Carter Rey's guitar in his hands. He strummed it softly, singing along ..

Warden threw a party in the county jail ...

A big band was there, they were gettin' their swing ...

He shook his head in disagreement of the lyrics and crossed them out on a piece of paper that he had found in the music room along with a pencil. It sat in front of him on the coffee table and he wrote down new lyrics, before gliding his fingers down the guitar again and trying them out.

The warden threw a party in the county jail.

The prison band was there and they began to wail.

The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing.

He paused and again wrote down a couple of lyrics. Lana was in the kitchen when she heard his whispers of music and decided to sneak up on him...She was curious on the way he made music because, well she would never admit it, but That's All Right Mama was a great song. She stood at a far behind him, leaning on the wall where he couldn't see her and she watched his magic go.

You should'a heard those knocked out Jailbirds sing,

Let's rock, Everybody let's rock.

Everybody in the whole cell block,

was dancin' to the jailhouse rock.

Elvis smiled to himself and continued to play his guitar, this time a little bit faster with a rock 'n roll taste to it. He sang the lyrics over again; this time without pausing and with a little bit more energy. Lana giggle silently at Elvis. He really was something, she thought; he was something that she had never seen before. She had never met someone with so much passion for something, and who was actually good at it. Lana found herself wondering what he was like on stage; she easily dreamed that girls were crazy about him and fell in love with his charm and rhythm. He was too perfect for words and too crazy to define in any type of way. Lana brushed off the thought and Mae her way back into the kitchen; dinner wasn't going to make its self.

   Soon Elvis had an entire song planned out and he was excited about it. It was brilliant and had a lot of flare to it. He had played it about one hundred times that evening before finally putting the guitar away. He spent most of his time in the music room. In the corner of the room, he had never noticed, there was a record player and next to it was a box filled with records. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked over to the box calmly. What he thought was going to be piles of slow, sad music was something he didn't expect. He grabbed one of the records and a wide smile covered his face. "Dinners ready!" Lana called from the dinning room as she set down full plates of spaghetti on each side of the table. She dusted her hands off on a white apron she was wearing and then made her way back into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and two wine glasses; removing her apron soon after. Elvis leaned in the dining room door way with a cheeky grin, and his hands were behind his back. Lana walked back into the dining room and set down the glasses. "You should get to eating before your food gets cold. This house is freezing." she said without looking at him as she set down the wine. She expected a response from Elvis or maybe some type of movement but when he gave her nothing, she turned to him; now seeing the smile on his face. "What?" she questioned. He pulled out the record from behind his back and slightly held it up. "I thought you'd never heard of me?" he teased. On the cover of the album was a dancing Elvis as he sang into a microphone; it was his very first album. Lana embarrassingly blushed a bright red and crossed her arms. "Where did you find that?!" she forced with irritation. "Doesn't matter." he shrugged a shoulder. "What matters is, you knew who I was and you pretended I was a stranger." "You are a stranger." she corrected. "But you have heard of me. And not only have you heard of me..." he walked up to her and stood closer to her. "You actually like me." On his face was pure confidence and a cheeky grin that had proven he was right. "Just eat your food." Was all she said before ripping the record out of his hand and rushing out of the kitchen. He laughed to himself as he sat down at the table.

   Dinner seemed awfully quite with an annoyed and embarrassed Lana and a grinning Elvis. Every now and then when Elvis would look at her she would roll her eyes and shovel spaghetti into her mouth. Elvis sat back in his chair; picking up his glass and taking a sip of his red wine. "Y'know," he began as he set down his glass. "There's nothin' to be embarrassed about. It actually shows your not as dull as you try to make yourself seem." "Gee," she seethed with sarcasm, "That's sweet." Elvis got up from his chair and grabbed his plate before walking away. She watched him leave and sort of felt guilty. Had she made him mad? She took a sip of her wine and let out a soft sigh. She wasn't even hungry anymore, and instead of eating she tossed the spaghetti around with her fork; her chin resting in her hand. Before she could remove herself from the table, the sound of music caught her ear; very loud music. She poked her head up to listen closer. Elvis was playing her fathers record. The song that was playing was Carter Rey's biggest hit called Blue Bird. The song was upbeat and made for rock 'n roll dancing. Lana stood from her seat and followed the music. She opened the music room door and almost bumped into Elvis as he was walking out. "Oops. Sorry, little darlin'." he chuckled. "What on earth are you doing?" she shouted, puzzled, over the music. "I'm gonna teach you how to have fun." He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the living room. "Elvis, please let me go." she groaned as she pulled her hand out of his. "I just want you to dance with me." he smiled. "And what point are you trying to get at?" she asked, crossing her arms with a sour face. "I think this place is a jailhouse, and I am determined to make you a fun gal and stay that way." "...I don't dance." she told him snobbishly. "You're tellin' me that your daddy was Carter Rey and you don't dance?" he chuckled. She rolled her eyes viciously and shook her head at how ignorant she thought he was being. "C'mon, baby." he winked as he began to move his feet. He danced as if no one were watching; like he always does. "You're a fool, Elvis Presley." she seethed. But he kept his smile of his face and stayed dancing. "Better a fool than nothin' at all." he sang happily. Lana felt a smile creep on her face but she was more than quick to push it down. "I'm gonna go clean off the table." she said as she began walking away, Elvis wasn't going to give up that easily. He quickly grabbed her by the arm and twirled her into him. His grip on her forced her body to move. "What are you doing?!" she nearly shouted. "Dancin' with my favorite host." he laughed. She looked up at him as he pushed her out of him and then spun her back in. There was no more denying it now, she was fully dancing. And she even let herself grin; with embarrassment of course. And as they danced together sweetly, Lana realized how easily she had given into Elvis. And she wasn't a very easy person to please. She was stubborn like her mother and wanted to be alone with herself. There was nothing wrong with wanting to be alone except that you get used to it; you begin to feel like you don't need anyone. Until someone like Elvis comes along and makes you think twice. This was one of those moments for Lana; a moment that made her think twice about staying in all the time and needing no one else. Maybe she even began to hate herself for shutting the door on so many people... but she couldn't help who she was no matter how much fun she had. There was always a voice in the back of her head telling her that the fun would soon end and he would forget about her after he went home. But, for the moment, she ignored the voice...This was her first time dancing with someone like that...and, well... She was actually having fun.

   They ended the night with laughs and smiles as they sat on the sofa, cuddled together talking about whatever came to mind until the two fell asleep. Lana's head was rested on his chest, underneath his chin and she felt, for the first time, safe. And for the next four days after that is was the same thing; dancing, singing, cuddling, and long talks about nothing...

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