1. Preston

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The sun shining through my half opened curtains woke me from my slumber minutes before my alarm was to go off and whined pulling the covers over my head. My head was killing me. My eyes were burning and I could feel my throat closing. My ached. Everything hurt and there was no reason for that considering I wasn't at training last night. God, I could feel myself sweating.

A soft whimper left my lips as the pain increased and it didn't help anything when my bedroom door was slammed open

"Pres?" The familiar sound of my dad's concerned voice echoed in the room making the pain increase

"Hurts" I whimpered and I felt the bed dip before the covers were pulled of and our eyes locked, his eyes were filled with concern as his hand came to touch my forehead

"You're burning" he murmured and I swallowed the lump in my throat and winced at the soreness there and I coughed, "You're not going to school. I'm going to make you some tea and soup. Don't get up"

I nodded as I buried myself under my covers once i turns off the alarm so it didn't go off at 6:45. I sighed and look at the picture frame sitting on my night stand and felt my heart constrict in my chest as I looked down at the man holding me. My mother.

He held me on his lap as he stared down at me. It was three months before he passed away. His skin was pale and you could see his bones. He looked so frail and yet he kept it together for the sake of the family, at least that's what my Dad said when I asked him. I wish I knew him, I mean I know him from stories I've been told about him but it's not the same as having him in front of me in the flesh telling me that he loved me and the he was proud of me and everything I've done in my life.

Knowing that I'll never meet him made my chest hurt even more. I felt my eyes sting and closed them but still, the tears rolled down my face like a waterfall. I wish he was there when I first shifted. I wish he was there when I first got my heart broken. I wish he was there when I took my drivers test. I wish he was here in general watching me accomplish so many things at just 17 but that's all it will ever be. Just wishes, wishes that no matter how hard you tried to make them come true will never be.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and placed the frame back on the nightstand just as the door to my room opened and looked up to see Josh walk in and he frowned when he saw my tear covered face and rushed over before pulling me into his arms and that was all it took for me to break down all over again.

"I wish he was here" I whimpered as his arms held me tight

"Who, Pres?" He whispered as he rubbed my back to calm me down as I cling to him

"Mama" I whispered and I felt his hand freeze for a second before he continue rubbing my back in soothing circles. I felt something wet drop on my head and pulled back to see his eyes closed as tears rolled down his own face and I chewed on the inside of my cheek

"Me too, Pres, me too" he murmured opening his eyes and looked down at me as he wiped the tears away from his face as he sniffled, "but he's watching over us from wherever he is with Grandpa Santiago" and I nodded and leaned into him again making him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me again before kissing the top of my head

"Alri-" we both looked up at the sound of Dad's voice and saw him standing on the doorway with a tray with a plate of steaming soup and a cup of whey I'm guessing is tea, "is everything alright?" He questioned walking further into the room and setting the tray down

"Yeah, just came to check on Preston before heading to class. We had a little moment thinking about Mama" Josh said and we watched as Dad's face fell as his eyes looked at the picture frame on my nightstand before he picked it up and traced over Mama's face. He not only lost his husband but also his mate, his other half. Grandpa Lucas said that Dad had taken the death of mom a lot harder than anyone else and it was understandable considering he had watched the love of his life leave this world.

"He was the best thing to ever happen to me in my life" Dad murmured his eyes still locked on the picture, "he was strong headed and he fought until the very end. God he was my rock"

"If you could change anything would you do it Dad?" I asked making him look over at me and gave me a small smile before nodding

"Yeah, I would have loved him more. Told him I loved him more" he said with a small soft smile on his face before shaking his head, "Well that's enough of that. Eat the soup and drink your tea. I'll come check up on you in a few hours and you," he turned to my brother, "Get to class before you're late" then he was it for the room leaving us alone.

"Think he's okay?" I asked and Josh simply nodded before standing up

"Eat, drink and get some sleep" he said before ruffling my hair and then he was out the door leaving me to my thoughts. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be on my dad. It's been 17 years since my mom's death and yet Dad still has a dead look in his eyes. The only time I've ever seen him genuinely smile or laugh was whenever my eldest brother and sister came over with the kids. I wish he found someone else love because I want him to be happy but it was very unlikely since wolves mate with one for life unless they get rejected.

Papa is sad my wolf whimpered in my head and I closed my eyes

I know, I murmured before grabbing the tray and placing it on my lap.

It only it were possible to change time then we could all be happy specially my Dad, but what's done is done and there's no turning back. I only wish to have the Love they shared before Mama was taken from us.

I hope you're proud of us Mama I thought looking at the picture and I swear I heard a soft voice whisper in the silent room

I am baby, so damn proud

an here's the first official chapter of 'My Mate....the Alpha' let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan

Also I have a question, would you like me to write an alternative chapter where Jessie lives and they all live happily ever after or what the ending enough? And if so I will rewrite this chapter and include Jessie in.

So vote #yestoaltending or #notoaltending

The most comments will be the official ending of the last book.

So yeah, let me know what you guys want



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