10th November 2017

Amatullah woke up around 7:00am,she was very happy finally it's her graduation day, they suppose to be in school by 8:00am and the event will start by 11:00am.

Ya afreen called her when she finished praying subh around 5:30am and told her she's on her way and she wished them safe travels...

She quickly stood up and walked inside the bathroom,she took her bath, brush her teeth and performed ablution.

She prayed two rakaat and thanked Allah for the wonderful day, one of the happiest day of her life.

She slipped in her comfy black sleeveless shirt because she's going to dress in school and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She fried chips with sausage and plantain, she made coffee and headed to the dinning room.

She finished eating and walked to mamy's room.
Good morning Mamy I'm going now, it's already 7:30..she told mamy who was sitting on her prayer mat.

Allah ya bada saa I'm really happy and proud of you amatullah,may god bless you my darling, se munzo insha allah afreen da jamal suna karasowa zaki ganmu around 11 zuwa 11:30am...
mamy said and kissed her forehead softly and She smiled.

Amin mamy se kun zo.....She said and exited the room to daddy's....

Daddy good morning...she greeted him walking towards him and sat beside him on the bed.

Morning my dare, har zaki tafi? He asked stroking her hair gently.

Yes daddy I suppose to go now..She said with a smile.

Allah ya miki albarka amatullah, I'm really proud of you my daughter,Allah ya baki abunda kike so...daddy said with a smile.

Amin daddy...She answered and walked out of the room.

She went to reena's room only to find her sleeping peacefully..... this girl must be stupid,she's sleeping on my graduation day...amatullah though to herself.
An idea popped into her head and she flashed an evil smile.

She walked inside the toilet quietly and fetch water in a bucket,she immediately poured all the water on reena..

Ahhhhh....reena shouted jumping out of her bed...
What was that for ya amatullah,you scared me.. reena said clearly Annoyed.

Amatullah started laughing throwing her head black...you are very stupid, how could you sleep on your one and only sister's graduation day? She asked and chuckled.

Ohhh...was the only reply from reena.
Amatullah smiled and stormed out of reena's room to her room only to find 5 missed calls, 2 from deedat, 2 from fatima and 1 from ya Jamal.

She called ya jamal first.
My baby sis is all grown up now sora aure...ya jamal blurted out from the other end.

I chuckled, ya Jamal Ina kwana...I greeted him.

Lfy lau amatullah, I'm on my way...he replied.

Allah ya kawoku lfy...she smiled
Bye..she said.

Then she called fatima...
What's up? Amatullah asked when fatima picked up.
Where are you? She asked her
At home..amatullah answered shortly.
You suppose to be in school girl..the makeup artist is already here..fatima scolded.
Tell her to start with you, I'll be on my way I promise..amatullah blurted out.
Ok bye...
Bye...she hung up.

And she called deedat.
Sweetheart..she blurted out.
Hey! I'm on my way..he said
To where? She asked clearly confused
To your house mana, or aren't you set yet ?he asked
Ohhh.. are you taking me to school? She asked
Of course, who will take you if not me then? He asked clearly annoyed.
Oh sorry...I thought...uhmm I'm waiting...she finally said.
He sighted and hung up....



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Amatullah Salihu Buratai...they called
out her name and displayed her result on the projector screen...
Everyone started screaming and shouting her name....

Its 1st class upper and her gp is 98.9% as tears of joy made it way to her cheeks. Finally one of her dreams come
True, she made deedat happy.

She walked and collected her certificate and they were still screaming and shouting her name. She wiped her tears and smiled at the camera.

She spotted deedat with tears in his eyes and she couldn't held hers too, she ran and wrapped her arms around his neck and he hugged her too.

Thank you amma, I'm really proud of you sweetheart..he stated and they finally broke the hug and smiled at each other.

She spotted ya afreen, uncle Muhammad (her husband) and baby suad,she ran to them and engulfed them in a tight hug.

Congratulations sister, I'm really proud of you..ya afreen said and amatullah smiled.

She spotted ya Jamal, anty khairat ( his wife), baby Mona and baby Kamal and she hugged them too.

she hugged daddy,mamy, abba, mama reena and zuby while she just smiled at bilal.well deedat is the only boy that she can hug though he's not her husband yet but still she isn't comfortable hugging any other boy if not deedat.

They took tons of tons of pictures together with her family, everybody gave her gifts and she was so happy. Deedat gave her a bracelet and a necklace wit AD on it (Amatullah Deedat) and she was more than happy.
Daddy got her a brand new car.

she looked at how happy her family are and they are all proud of her and they are all here because of her...she though and another tears of joy rushed down to her cheeks.

Longest chapter ever..
Well it's because its Amatullah's graduation 👩‍🎓 ....
Eyeeeee or nayyyy????

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