Following hesitantly yet obediently, Eli sent a text to the captivating female inviting her to meet up with him and his friends for the night to which she replied a few minutes later accepting the invitation. Any other time he would've been ecstatic that he'd be spending time with her but his stomach churned with unease.

Time until the meet up flew by all too fast, his smile less bright that before when she climbed into the passenger seat of his car. "Where are we going again?"

"This little spot me and the boys go sometimes, it's usually just us but we thought it'd be a good idea for you to come along too."

Aspen wasn't oblivious or stupid, the whole situation seeming a little sketchy to her. One female with a whole group of guys but her worry eased looking at the boy beside her, having faith that he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

She watched tentatively, making mental notes of land markers and how many turns he made until they reached the bridge. It was old, made with now rusty pipes that the view over was a quick currented river below.

"What do you guys do here?" She asked quietly as they approached Eli's friend group.

"Goof around mostly, sometimes drink."

"Look who it is," His best friend Hunter greeted, riling the rest of the boys up until they all pulled him in their circle, giving hugs and exchanging elaborate handshakes that was clearly only meant for them. "Aspen, pleasure to formally meet you."

"Formally?" They shook hands, the rough embrace of Dalton's hands on her much smaller one wasn't anywhere near as comforting as when it was Eli's strong hands intertwined with her own. "We're outside in the dark by a bridge. I wouldn't exactly label that as formal."

"Feisty," He retorted, his breath laced with the scent of cheap liquor, the perpetrator Canada House whiskey held tightly in his other hand. It was half empty proving that they'd been busy before they'd arrived. "So you and our boy Elliot, can't say I was expecting that."

One of her perfectly arched brows raised at the sudden topic change. "Because I'm not apart of your clique?"

"Not exactly, mostly because you don't really associate with anyone beside your school books."

Before another one of Aspens witty remarks could be returned, Jake Mullins the ever so shy guitar player interjected softly. "What he means to say is we're happy you came. We didn't think you would."

"Why are we here anyway? Doesn't the sound of drunkenly falling into freezing cold water completely deter you?"

"Me, yes which is why I'm sober."

Hunter laughed loudly, under the intoxication if the eight dollar liquor that was altering his senses. "That's not the only reason, our little Jakey can't handle his alcohol, he's a total lightweight."

"Like you have much room to talk," He shot back, pointing at his friends stumbling state.

The environment besides Dalton was nice in Aspens opinion, watching Eli in his natural state, goofing off with the boys and avidly avoiding the bottle made her smile. "What about you?"

"What?" Her eyes widened clearly being caught not paying the slightest bit attention to the words they spoke.

"Where do you plan on going after high school?"

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