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Youngjae's pov...

"Youngjae ah~ please stop"
i didn't realize someone was calling after as i had my heap phones on, as
I continued walking i noticed my laces were untied so i stopped to fix them as i stood up i got the fright of my life my best friend and my crush was stading infront of me.

I took out my ear phone, " yah Daehyun why are you sneaking up on me i nearly had a heart attack" i yelled at  the boy who was staning infront of me, he was hunched over with his hands on his thighs trying to catch his breath.

"Yah.......Yoo.......Youngjae" he panted
"You forgot.... Your.. wallet" he reached in his poket and handed me my wallet.

Oh i must have left this at the coffee shop, " oh thanks but why couldn't you just ring me to come back and get it... Why did you run all this way?"
I was confused as there was a simpler way of returning my wallet.

"Oh um i dont know" he shrugged with a smirk on his face, "but now im here why dont i walk you home"he smiled...

*thud thud thud* i could feel my heart pound as Daehyun smiled at me... Thoses perfect lips his adorable eye smile.... Ahhh he drives me insane..

I shook my head trying to regain my composure but it was to late it seems that Daehyun noticed me blushing and staring because when i focused agian his face was inches from mine.

"You ok Jae you look all hot and flustered" he smirked

"Yah~" i yelled "Of course im ok why wouldnt i be ok" i turned and started to walk away, though Daehyun was quick to follow me.

"Really Jae im worried you havent been yourself these past days and im worried there is something worried with my Jae"

*thud thud thud* there it goes again ...

"Yah im fine ok besides since when am i YOUR Jae" i snapped.
As soon as the words left my mouth i regretted it because i have been longing to be HIS...

Daehyun stopped walking and hung his head.

"Im sorry i upset you Jae i just really care about you i didnt mean to creep you out" he said sheepishly.
He was about to walk away before i grabbed his wrist.

"Dae im sorry for snapping i have been finding it hard to controll my emotions lately especially around you" i sighed I knee i had to explain myself i just didnt want to lose my  best friend.

"Jae whats been going on"

"For a while now i have had feelings for someone and recently i have been having a hard time surpressing them"

A sudded look of sadness flashed across Daehyuns face but before i could say anything his expression changed into his usual smile.

"Its ok Jae you should tell her how you feel im sure she feels the same you have to have more confidence in yourself" his smile turned brighter, "your an amazimg person Jae anyone sould be lucky to have you" he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

" do you really believe that Dae? Do you really believe that the person i love is lucky to have me?" I asked

Daehyun nodded "of couse Jae"

I took a deep breath before i let out what i have been trying to hide.

"Jung Daehyun if that is true then you are the luckiest person i know, because for a long time now i have loved you, i waz ways to scared to addmit my feelings as i never wanted to ruin our friendship and lets face it who the hell would want to be with me any way" i half heartedly laughed as i refused to look at Daehyun.

I was expecting him to yell at me or worse hate me for even thinking about him that way.
I certainly wasnt prepared for what happened next.

I felt Daehyuns hands caress my face as he rested his forehead against mine.

"Yoo Youngjae... I have loved you for as long as i can remember and i must be the luckiest person alive as right now i have you right here with me. And i promise i am not leaving"

I pulled away to look at him completly shocked.

"Youngjae will you be MY Jae?"he smiled at me with his eye smile that always managed to melt my heart.

"Of course Dae i will always be yours"
Heat flushed to my cheeks as he got closer to me.

He plassed a soft kiss to my lips before taking my hand.

"Common Jae let me walk you home" he winked before leading the way back to my house.


Welcome to my very first One Shot book :)

I hope you like it haha im sorry if its not the greatest but i appreciate all your support :)

Please feel free to ask for requests :)


P.s sorry for the lacking grammar and spelling :)

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