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My alarm went off and I immediately wake up. I check the time and it's 8 in the morning.

"It's only 8? Oh, well.. I have plenty of time to spend now.." I mumble as I get up from my bed.

I slip into my soft bathrobe as I walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and do my morning routine.

It's now 10 o'clock and I'm ready to leave for work, but instead of that, my doorbell rings.

Is it Jungkook again?

I open the door to see Jungkook in some casual clothes.

"I brought some coffee for you. No need to thank," he says and gives me the cup. I smile and take a sip.

How does he know my favorite flavor?!

"Oh, did I interrupt you with something? I'm sorry if I did..." He mumbles and scratches his head.

"No, not actually. I'm just going to work right now. I'm really grateful for this coffee. It's my favorite flavor, you know." I say.

He chuckles and gives me a cute grin.

"I know it is. I asked my coworkers what cute girls like you order the most."

I felt like throwing the coffee and screaming from the top of my lungs, but fortunately I didn't. I felt my cheeks burning and just smiled from ear to ear.

"Are you stalking me or something?" I ask him with a smirk.

He furrows his brows and takes a step closer.

"No. Didn't you get the joke, sweetheart?" He asks and laughs teasingly.

I blush even more and without hesitation push him a little away from me. He gets confused for a second but gathers himself. He laughs for a while and looks at me with a smile.

"See you around!" He exclaims before scooting into the distance.

What the hell just happened? I think to myself as I drive to work.

[[ end of chapter ]]


A/N; I'm sorry for this chapter being so short! Simply, I have been lazy and just not felt like writing this chapter. But I did it anyways.
I hope I didn't disappoint you, my dearest reader, with the length of this chapter.
Remember to love yourself!

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