Chapter 11: Night in the Stable

Start from the beginning

I saw her gulp as she swallowed a lump in her throat, showing obvious fear and anxiety.

"I-I was only wo-wondering if I can have a mom-moment of your ti-time for a quick chat?"

"I have no reason to speak to you, child. Now go on home and leave me be," I snapped, not giving a single damn if I hurt the girl's feelings.

"Ghirahim," a strict voice boomed.

I had turned my head to see the Gerudo standing over me. her green eyes narrowed in a threatening glare.

"Mipha only wishes to talk. There's no reason for giving her such disrespect."

I rolled my eyes in response. "And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I'm the person who will tell Link that you have been rude to his dear friend," she growled. 

This caught my attention. Though I wished to avoid the blond hero for now, I certainly didn't want him mad at me. This was the first time in eons that I was this close to him during his adventure...

"Very well," I groaned. "I'll listen to what she has to say. But that doesn't mean I'm going to be 'buddy buddy' with you. Got it?" I finished as I looked over towards the fish princess.

She hesitantly nodded, and the Gerudo woman left satisfied. I then looked back at the smaller princess.

"But we are discussing this somewhere more private. Understood?"

"Ye-Yes, of course," she replied.

The two of us waked in silence back towards the meeting room, and upon entering I closed the door behind us.

"So what is it you wish to discuss?" I asked her. "And make it quick."

The princess's gaze fell towards the floor. From this I could tell she was nervous to actually tell me. I heard her take a deep breath and sigh out before lifting her head to look me in the eyes.

"Link tells me you're avoiding him. Why?"

I remained silent at this for some time. I stared at her, her eyes showing an anxious feeling as she stared back at me. I closed my eyes and looked away before answering.

"I cannot speak to the hero as of this moment."

"Why not?" she asked. "He's told me he just wishes to befriend you. Whatever is the problem with that?"

The word "friend" made me cringe a little inside. I know this wasn't the same man from before, and I know he can't remember me from his past lives, but that phrase still made my heart ached. Damn that Goddess for cursing him like this...

"It is too personal for me to speak of, and I refuse to share such information with the likes of you," I replied simply.

"But why? What reason do you have for treating him so poorly?" she pressed. I could tell her temper slowly rising from her tone. "Why must you be so difficult, Ghirahim? Has he done something to you?"

"Not exact-"

"Has he ever harmed you, or someone you care for? Is it because he's the hero, and you're a demon?"

"Now hold on just a minute-"

"Is it because he's destined to defeat Ganon, who at one point was your master, Demise? Is it because you couldn't kill him, and you're mad that he isn't on your side? Is it because he was chosen by Hylia? Or is it-"

"WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!?"  I screamed at her, bearing my fangs as I seethed with anger.

The princess was taken aback at this, and she immediately grew silent as she hung her head to stare at the floor. I glared at her with hatred and fury, ready to take all my frustration out on her.

"It's nothing like that! Don't you know when to stop, or even when to stay out of other people's business!? Hasn't that Zora king taught you any manners!?" I hissed. "I already told you, I will not tell you my reasons for staying away from the hero. Besides, I thought you'd be glad since we all know how much you love the little shit. With no one to intervene, you could do your ridiculous tradition and propose to him already. So why the hell are you complaining?"

The princess remained quiet, which only pissed me off more than I already was.

"Answer me," I growled at her.

"... Be-Because, I care for Link deeply. All I want to do is make him happy..." I heard her say, though she was mumbling a bit. "He...has an interest in you, and you avoiding him like this makes him upset. I can tell. He's told me and the princess. I thought if I could find out what was wrong, then you two could talk it out..."

The Zora then lifted her head to look up at me, a pained  expression gracing her face.

"He looks up to you as a fighter, Ghirahim, and I can tell..." she gave a small, sad smile. "He really likes you."

~~Flashback end~~

I sighed once again at the memory. She had quite a heart... If Ganon hadn't won, she would've made a perfect companion for him...

Perhaps Zelda could take her place for him? After, that's how fairy tales usually play out, right? The hero ends up with the princess?

I sighed out once again as I took one final glance at the sleeping hero, moving a lock of hair behind his ear. He moved about in his sleep, groaning.

"Ghira..." I heard him mumble, his voice still slightly rough.

This took me by surprise, I will admit, but I couldn't help but smile as I caressed his cheek with my gloved hand. It's been some time since I heard his voice, and oh how I missed it. This one wasn't as talkative as the first, not that I minded, but I do hope he warms up to me enough to speak to me...

"Goodnight, my Skychild..." I whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his head before laying on my side, back facing him, and closed my eyes to rest for awhile.


Art used above was by Minyaz on DeviantArt btw. Well, see you guys later.

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