Gone were the days where he lived in tracksuits and drank in fields. Gone were the days where he acted like nothing could get to him when in reality he was so fragile.

Sure he was still sensitive. But he wasn't going to let anyone hurt him ever again.

He ran into the kitchen to greet  Yoongi in his blue uniform. His hair was messing just the way Jimin liked it and his nose was red from the cold air.

Yoongi turned around when Jimin whispered a quick hello. Abandoning his task of locking the door to look at the beautiful sight infront of him.

"You look amazing." He spoke  without meaning to. Causing Jimin to giggle.

"What time do you wanna go out for?" Jimin asked as he bounced on the balls of his feet. Something Yoongi loved about the younger when he first started getting to know him.

"Well I was gonna shower, so how about in the next hour we'll head out?" And Jimin nodded.


The hour rolled by in no time and now the two were sat in Yoongi's black BMW. Jimin was singing along to random English songs on the radio as the sun fell behind the trees, casting beautiful shadows all along the streets and roads.

"We're here." Yoongi spoke softy.

Jimin smiled when he looked ahead of him.

A sma little picnic table sat on a little hill, candles all around it. Lighting up the little path toward the mahogany table. Two bottles of wine sat side by side on it, along with two big blankets on the bench beside it.

"How did you-"

"Don't ask." Yoongi smiled at him.

"It'll ruin the secret." And with that he hopped other of the car, a small basket in his hand presumably holding foods and what not.

Jimin had told Yoongi when he was twenty that his ideal first date would be a picnic under the stars, as cheesy as it sounds.

And here he was. With the person he wanted to be with most.

"What is all this for Min." He laughed when he took a seat across from the elder. Pulling the small blanket over him to stay warm.

Yoongi set the basket infront of him, taking out two wine glasses and two plates along with food he had made.

"Well-" he started, popping the cork out of one of the bottles of wine "-a certain someone kissed me a few days ago. And I couldn't stop thinking about if ever since."

Jimin giggled lightly in the dark, his eyes closing over at how cheesy his best friend was being.

Best friend. It felt wrong to say that now. But what we're they now anyway?

"Can you not bring that up? It's so embarrassing!" Jimin whispered, taking a sip off his freshly poured wine.

I pleasant silence fell over them as they drank their wine at ate the food Yoongi had prepared.

Jimin was looking happily at the stars when Yoongi decided to speak again.

"If you don't mind me asking-" he began, shifting lightly where he sat. "When did you realise...y'know...that you were a little?"

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