Male Esmeralda x Reader (Drabbles)

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Okay I found these hot pics and I blushed BIG TIME! And that’s saying something

cause I rarely EVER BLUSH FOR ANYTHING, so I thought to myself needs a one shot or a story about him so I made one. Enjoy this handsome man


I was here, in Notre Dame, walking around and enjoying the beautiful sights.I also loved the people because they were so polite and nice.The place was rather beautiful.I absolutely loved being here. As I walked, I heard music so I decided to follow the beautiful sound.

When I arrived I saw the handsomest man in my entire life.He had the most beautiful green eyes and silky black hair with tan

skin.He danced to the music gracefully,some people would stop and watch, throwing in some tips in the hat that the goat was holding.I walked over to get a closer look at him. When I was closer he noticed me and winked in my direction.Though I wasn't so sure itwas at me or not but none the less I blushed.

Just as he was about to finish the dance some guards showed up.

The people who were watching the young man dance left quickly,not wantinganything to do with this.

The guards were trying to take his money that he got from his dancing.He argued and fought saying how he worked hard to earn that money.One of the guards got aggravated and punched the man in the nose,talking about how gypsies are just no good thieves. His goat tried to help get the money back, but that didn't turn out to well for him.He got up to fight back, but one of the other guards kicked the poor goatin the gut.I was tired of seeing those guards torment the attractive man and his goat and just stand here and do nothing.

​"Hey! Some guy just stole my money! He went that way!" I shouted and got the guards to go after this 'thief'.

After I was sure they were gone,I walked over to the man and put some money in the hat. The man and his goat looked up at me.

"I thought that you danced beautifully," I stuck my hand out to help him up. He offered me a wide smile. (which, by the way, I think looks so sexy on him).

"Thank you for your help."He took my hand and I pulled him up to his feet "I'mEmerald(1) and this is Djali." He gestured to the goat"Meehhh." The goat movedbehind Emerald's legs.

"Sorry about that he's a little shy around strangers." He smiles a little and rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh, that's okay, I used to be like that," I responded

"Well, I better get going. The festival is about to start,seeyou around miss-"he stopped finally realizing that I didn't give my name.

"Oh, right. it's ______," I felt kinda embarrassed that I forgot to give my name.

"Well then, Miss ______, I hope to see you again." He gave one last smile then he left into the crowd of people.

"And I hope to see you soon too." I said to myself with a small smile.

"Hey captain! There you are, it's time to get going..!"one of my men walked up to me.

"Right then let's get to going, Phillip." He nodded and followed me back to HQ.


So there you have it, I might continue this. Then again I might not who knows.Please don't forget to leave a comment and/or heart/follow. Til next time my little kittens! :D

Male Esmeralda x Reader (Drabbles On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now