the price

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you must have been walking for days.You were surprised by the fact that Legolas had still powers to continue.You started to talk more to Gandalf and Aragon than the hobbits. Gandalf would tell you about his fights and Aragon about how he used to fight.It was nice talking to them but you always wondered  why legolas would always be first in the line.He is an elf and elves are light as a feather . Suddenly everything blacked out as snow fell on all of you. Suddenly a hand pulled you out and put on you a cloak .You looked up and saw Legolas smiling at you ,why would he save you ? I mean he wasn't as bad as his father was probably.You smiled back and thanked him .

'Anytime' he said looking inside your (eye color)eyes.You got lost for a second.

'we need to move' Borormir told .You all started walking you got first with legolas .You would admit it was fun talking to him.You would talk about stories that you knew since you were children .Once you entered the mines you were already creeped out by the silence.As you stopped to eat  you noticed legolas biting of some bread.He offered you some and as you ate it you were completely full .

'someone is following us for days 'Frodo says to Gandalf

'that is the gollum' Gandalf responded to Frodo .Legolas looked at it.You looked too.You decided to continue walking .Once you entered a big room you saw gimli kneel in front of a tomb .Pippin touch something which made much noise.Soon enough orcs started attacking you .Legolas was an excellent fighter as he took out a troll by himself.While you were killing orcs you heard screams  .It was Frodo .An orc stabbed him .You killed the orc quickly and sat next to Frodo to protect him.You couldn't protect him all by yourself.An orc came from behind and once you looked back it was already dead by an arrow .You look at legolas and then continue fighting .After you killed the orcs that attacked you you all ran outside  and started running cause the orcs that were chasing you were way too many .You had to pass a little bridge which was broken. Legolas jumped first and made it .Then Gandalf ,Pippin ,Meri,Sam ,Frodo and Aragon  .

'Come (Y/n) i'll catch you ' Legolas told and as you jumped he catched  you .You kept on running until it was time to pass the bridge. You all passed it but Gandalf stood behind to fight the demon.

'fly you fools'were the last words Gandalf told.Quickly you grabbed Sam and ran out of the mines.You all had to stop .Legolas seemed confused.You looked at him and then back down .

'we have to leave,quickly Legolas get them up' Aragon told as legolas went first to you .While you were walking you saw Legolas looking at you and particularly your eyebrow.

'you are bleeding'he told wiping away the blood.You forced a smile trying not to make him worried for you.


You were in the same boat as Borormir. Once you reached the shore they all got out. Borormir gave you his hand to help you get out of the boat .So kind of him.

'where's Frodo and Borormir ?'you asked and after your question you heard screams.You all went there just to find boromir pointing his sword at Frodo.

'(Y/n)!'Frodo told pointing at you and borormir taking his sword away from his face .Before you knew it orcs attacked by millions.You all started fighting ,you with your two swords and the others with their weapons. You were doing it pretty good until an orc threw you down unconscious.All you could hear were voices. Mixed voices none standing out. But then you heard someone yell 'Borormir no'.What happened?Suddenly you felt someone tall picking you up. Maybe it as Aragon ,or Legolas. You were fine by both choices.Once you started waking up you saw the face of Legolas.

'Am i in paradise?'You asked as he smiled to you.That adorable smile of his.You kept looking at his as he was carrying you to his boat .'what happend?'You asked as he was putting a wet cloth over your eyebrow.

'an orc hit you but you killed it before you fell unconscious. You are very brave ' he told smiling at you.God damn that smile.It is a cute one for sure.After some time you got up and realized that some were missing as there were only the three men there .

'where are the others?'You asked looking confused. Aragon sighed and went closer to you.

'Frodo and Sam left to go alone to Mordor,Pippin and meri are kidnapped by the orcs and Boromir is dead' Aragon told looking at your face .How could they let this happen?The fellowship has just broke apart.You looked at Legolas and all you took was a forced smile .

'Stupid,stupid ,stupid,stupid'you told throwing rocks inside the river with anger.You felt someone  touching your shoulder.As you turned around you saw Legolas telling 'Its not your fault .'Without him expecting that you hugged him and started sobbing .He hugged you back after trying to hide his blush from the others.After a few seconds you broke the hug and wiped away your tears.

'Lets go fellowship,we have an orc army  to catch' Aragon told with a smile on his face .And so it  was ,you four going to find the two hobbits while the other two were going to mordor .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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