Made For Each Other But...

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Disclaimer: I don't own VD-neither the books nor the TV version. I don't gain any profits from this. This writing is just for fun. The amazing characters are from L.J. Smith, CW and Alloy Entertainment.

A/N/Warning: This story has my favorite pairing Bonnie and Damon and two original characters. Don't worry it is totally centered on Damon and Bonnie. It is an AU scenario and there could be some sort of OOC. This one-shot is my answer to a story request from my dear friendShadowVargr. I had one condition to fulfill. I had to follow a specific theme. She gave me this theme: "They are made for each other, but they are not made to be together." I hope I fulfilled the requirements and I especially hope all of you will enjoy reading it.

This is the un-beta version. I'm so sorry for the mistakes and errors.


Made For Each Other But...

The young girl cried her heart out. The pain of her first heartbreak seemed unbearable to her. The deception from him was too painful and her treacherous mind kept playing again and again his killing words.

"I don't love you anymore."

"Why?" He only shrugged and walked away with pieces of her heart falling down with each step he made.

She tried to stop her tears but they kept coming like a river under the siege of a storm. She wanted to hate him but she was unable to. Now a strange mixture of anger and sadness invaded her. It felt like little bugs crawling on her.

Her mother lingered near the girl's room door. Her heart flinched because her baby was suffering. She understood how important it was for her girl to grieve and cry out her first romantic deception. She was sure of it. She had lived it too, she cried like her daughter was crying. She knew she had to wait for her daughter to reach out for her. She only wanted to embrace her and protect her because she was still her baby.

The mother walked out of the living room and entered their apartment balcony. They live on a second floor. The trees of the common areas created a natural curtain. It was easy to see when the breeze ran through the branches. It was amazing to witness the beauty of nature. It was soothing to hear the noise of the raindrops made when they splash on everything. And she knew the most important soothing factor would be near them, because he was their Dark Angel. He was their protector.

She talked apparently to no one.

"She's crying so much." Silence was the answer she received.

"I think it is time for her to know our family story. It's time…" She turned around and walked away. She now knew what to do. She will do exactly the same thing her mother did for her. She will tell to the girl the story of the girl's Grandmother.

The mother knocked on the girl's door.

"Leave me alone!" The girls pained words reached the mother's heart.

"Sweetie, please let me in. Let me help you."


"Darling you're not the only one with a broken heart."

"So… I don't care. Leave me alone."

"Open the door. It's time for you to know the truth."

Slowly the girl opened the door. Her eyes were red and her face was swollen after so many tears shed.

"What truth?"

"The true story of your Grandmother."

"Why mom? Why the story of Grandma?"

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