Why is my amma getting prettier each and every blessed day?deedat asked no one in particular...
She couldn't hide the blush...
How was work? Amatullah asked ignoring his question.

Alhamdulillah..but boring because I didn't get to see your face and hear your voice..he said and pouted.

Sorry baby,now I'm here right? She said and touch his cheeks smiling widely.
He chuckled and held her hand and kissed it.there goes the butterflies.
O Allah..I love deedat..amatullah thought to herself and smiled.

After few seconds of silence,she noticed that it's not their way home,she couldn't help but blurted out.

Aren't we going home? She asked confused.
No, we are going to coldstone first, my baby didn't drink ice cream for long..he said and smiled at her.

Yayyy..She shouted and jump from her seat..you're such a darling...she crossed his hand and peck his cheeks.
A sudden smile escaped from his lips and his heart sinks..
Thank you..he whispered but loud enough for her to hear...

She blushed and looked down..
Aren't you suppose to go back to the office by 4? She questioned.

I have nothing to do in office today,I've assigned my PA to lock my office and do anything that is necessary, and besides, I want to spend more time with amma today..he concluded looking at her...

The butterflies started dancing in her stomach and she nodded..

They arrived at cold stone shortly, placed their orders, they sat down and chatted for a while before their ice cream arrives, they were enjoying each other's company.
They finished in not less than 30 minutes and headed to Amatullah's house.

Daddy good evening..they greeted daddy when they drove inside,he was sitting outside the front door reading newspaper...

Deedat ka dakkota kenan,amatullah how was school?daddy replied with a smile.

Deedat just nodded while amatullah replied...Eh daddy,is Mamy inside?
Yes she's inside..he replied.
Deedat Ina Abban ka?he asked deedat.

He's at home..he replied shortly his head facing down.
Ok,if you get home tell him I'm greeting him,he's not coming to my house anymore..daddy said sadly.

Ok daddy insha allah, but he was kind of busy these days ne that's why..deedat defended his father.

Ok I understand,daddy said and sigh.
Let's go inside..amatullah whispered to deedat and drag him by his hand.

Daddy shook his head and smiled.

They got inside and greeted mamy,amatullah headed to her room to pray asr while deedat headed to mosque with daddy.after she finished praying,she took a quick shower and dressed in her pink flawless gown, tied her hair in a bond and wear a comfy cap..

She slipped in her pink slippers and headed down stairs..
There she met all her family well not all because her brother Jamal is now married with his wife Khairat and two kids, Kamal and Mona whille afreen got married 2 years back to her husband muhammad with 1 baby girl suad..
So apparently it was only mamy, daddy,reena and her deedat chatting and laughing out loud.
She smiled at how happy they were and approached them and sat on a couch close to deedat.

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