Dad Jokes

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DadJokes created a group chat.

DadJokes added Google, PrinceCharming, MyDarkStrangeSon, and Thomas.

MyDarkStrangeSon changed his name to Virgil.

DadJoke: Aww :( but that name suited u Virgil

Google: I believe that I am not a website. And also Patton, use proper grammar.

Google changed his name to Logan.

DadJoke: Sowwy...

Logan: Why do I even try.

PrinceCharming: Hello everyone and all you nerds!

Thomas: Why didn't I get a nickname?

Virgil: Patton why'd you make a group chat?

DadJoke: Well my DarkStrangeSon

Virgil: Please don't call me that

DadJoke: I had the best idea!

PrinceCharming: Oh! Then tell us!

Logan: The percentage of the idea being highly idiotic is 100%

Thomas: Now Logan, you just can't assume every idea he has is 'idiotic'

Logan: We shall see.

Virgil: Can you just say it already.

DadJoke: We should all do a Dad joke competition!

Thomas: ...

Logan: Told you so.

PrinceCharming: Patton... It's an idea, but not the best one...

DadJoke: You don't like my idea? :*(

PrinceCharming: No! It's not like that, it's just that you misused 'best idea'

DadJoke: So you liked it?!

PrinceCharming: NNyyyeeesss...

Thomas: I think it's a great idea!

Logan: This will be a mountain of doom...

Thomas: Logan!

Logan: uuuhhmm, Mountains aren't funny, their hill areas.

DadJoke: ...

PrinceCharming: ...

Thomas: ...

Virgil: ...

Virgil: Oh I get it. Because their hilarious.

Patton: *GASP*

PrinceCharming: O

PrinceCharming: M

PrinceCharming: G

Thomas: That was good, I never knew you could make a dad joke ever!

Logan: Stop praising a mistake I've made.

Virgil: Patton was so proud his name changed.

PrinceCharming: What?

Logan: What?

Thomas: What?

Virgil: Nevermind...

DadJoke: Logan Deserved a PAT on the back with that joke!

Logan: Ugh!

Thomas: Okay! So who's next:

PrinceCharming: Ooh! Me next!

PrinceCharming: Why is Snow White a great judge?

Logan: In the movie Snow White, she is shown taking an apple from a stranger so I would say she is not a good judge.

PrinceCharming: Because she's the fairest of them all!

DadJoke: Haha! good one Roman.

Thomas: I knew a disney joke will be made.

Virgil: Well I don't find that joke A-peeling.

Logan: This just keeps getting worse...

Virgil: And also, she didn't have an apple-y ever after.

Thomas: Oh My Gosh!

Thomas: Virgil, you're on a roll!

Logan: I believe he's standing upright. How can he text while rolling? That would be difficult.

Thomas: Logan, that's another thing you should put in your vocab cards.

Logan: Oh! I apologize Thomas, I haven't got the time to learn the 'cool kids' language lately.

DadJoke: What kind of bagel can fly?

Logan: Bagels can't fly.

DadJoke: A plain bagel!

Logan: I give up on life....

Thomas: What kind of shoes does a pedophile wear? White Vans!

Virgil: Don't Thomas, just don't. Everyone will freak out if you said that in a video.

PrinceCharming: For once I agree with hot topic here.

Logan: That is a well devised plan, good job Virgil.

Virgil: I'm just helping...

Patton: Well, that was fun! I deserve a cookie today.

DadJoke left the group chat.

Logan: This has been eventful...

Logan left the group chat.

PrinceCharming: I shall see you later!

PrinceCharming left the group chat.

Virgil: Did anyone notice Patton's name JUST changed?

Thomas: Well see you later guys, gals and non-binary pals. Peace out!

Thomas left the group chat.

Virgil: I'm leaving.

Virgil left the group chat.

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