Chapter 2 The Sand Siblings

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It was 3:00 in the morning. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the meltdown my brother had earlier. He looked so broken, like he was going insane with hate and grief. It made me angry at Itachi for what he had done to us. How he abandoned us and left us like that. How cruel!

“I thought you loved us…Itachi.” I whispered. My voice cracked when it came to his name. I closed my eyes and let tears tumble down the side of my face.But remembering the happy memories, the laughs of my parents, a time when Sasuke would giggle made me stop crying. I smiled weakly.

I remember playing hide-and-seek with Itachi and Sasuke. I wanted to hide behind the same bush as Sasuke so we had a little fight. Itachi, I guess, wanted to sneak up in us. Being a ninja at 12 he was able to grab our ankles and hang us upside-down on a tree branch. I and Sasuke begged him to let us go…it was pretty funny though. He fed us dango like that for lunch, which was a pretty big challenge. We were so innocent.

Deciding I wasn’t going to go to sleep anytime soon I walked outside to get some fresh air, careful not to wake Sasuke. The Uchiha compound seemed emptier than ever. A hollow sound resonated throughout the street where people once walked, like the footsteps were echoing in the back of my mind. I sat down on the front porch, letting the soft wind blow through my hair. I felt more alone then I have in a while…

                                                                       * * *

It was 2 years later; I was sitting in the same spot. Except my best friend Naruto was sitting next to me chatting my ear off. We had gotten close, like siblings, while my actual brother just got further.

“Naruto, will you please shut up!” I said, getting agitated at him. He gave me a guilty look.

“Sorry, but it feels nice with no Sasuke, huh?” He looked at me expectantly. Sasuke was out doing god-knows-what. But I have to admit, it was kinda nice to not have him being over-protective and glaring at Naruto for talking to me all the time. So I smiled and giggled.

“It sure does.” I winked at him. He looked around. It took a few moments before he said anything.

“Wow, this is the Uchiha compound? It looks so…lonely.”

“Yeah, it is…it was better when there were actual people roaming the streets and filling houses.” I sighed.

“It must get kinda creepy seeing all those houses and no one in them.” He looked at me sad. I leaned on his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah it does.” I trailed.

“Sorry, for bringing this up.” He scratched the back of his head shamefully.

“Nah,” I said nudging his while shoulder with my head. “It feels nice to talk to someone about it.” He gave me one of those wide smiles.

“Are you ready to kick butt at the Chuunin exams!?” He exclaimed punching a hand in the air.

“Of course.” I grinned and we high-fived.

                                                                      * * *

I was chilling with Naruto. My long black hair was swinging back in forth from the breeze. There was always some sort of breeze here. It must be the mountain ranges or something. But here I was. Naruto was getting socked across the face by Sakura, as usual.

“Boss! Are you okay?” Konohamaru ran up to Naruto. I giggled at Sakura, and we both high-fived.

“Ita-chan!” Naruto protested. “You’re supposed to be on my side!” Instead of answering I grinned and winked at him. I saw a faint blush come to his cheeks.

“Awwwww, Narutooooo’s bluuuuushing!” We all cooed. He pouted. Konohamaru ran into some dude, who picked him up by the scruff of his neck.

“You ugly little runt!” He snarled, he was the one to talk, he looked pretty weird, with some sort of make-up on and I noted he was from Sunagakure.

“Hey! Put him down!” Naruto shouted at him.

“Or what?” He laughed evilly.

“Or this.” I said punching him straight across the face, and at the same time a small rock hit his wrist making him drop Konohamaru as he flew back. I saw Sasuke and reappeared next to him. We both smirked at the weird guy.

“Kankuro.” We heard a menacing voice, as this “Kankuro” went and grabbed Konohamaru again and started unwrapping something from his back. By then I noticed there was a girl behind him with blonde hair oogling my brother.

“Put him down or I’ll kill you.” I looked next to me. There was THE sexiest boy with red hair and beautiful turquois eyes! I got huge hearts in my eyes as I stared at him.

“Sorry Gaara, I-it was all my fault.” Kankuro stuttered and set Konohamaru down. “Gaara” ignored him and disappeared next to Kankuro and turned to him.

“You’re a disgrace to our family.” He turned to us. “I apologize for anything they've done.” We all nodded and I saw Sasuke motion with his eyes to the ground in front of us. We both jumped down at the same time.

“It,” I started. “Doesn’t matter.” Sasuke finished, yup I'm proud of my twin. The sand-nin turned and started to walk away.

“Wait, I know we’re allies and everything, but you just can’t come here.” Sakura pointed out stupidly. I sighed. Their sensei mustn’t have told them about the Chuunin exams. Guy-sensei has already given us the application forms. The blonde girl stopped and turned around.

“We’re here for the Chuunin exams,” she explained and showed her permission slip. “Hasn’t your sensei told you anything? Kohnoha is where it’s being held for god’s sake!” And they turned to leave yet again.

“O-oh.” Sakura looked embarrassed.

“What’s your name?” I heard Sasuke speak from next to me. The girl turned around and blushed.

“Me?” she asked.

“No, the creepy looking one next to you.” He said indifferently. I rolled my eyes at my brother. Was he paying any attention earlier? Gaara turned around. He stared coldly at him.

“Sabaku no Gaara.” He introduced himself. “I am also interested. Who are you?” Sasuke gave his cocky smirk.

“Uchiha Sasuke.” Gaara barely widened his eyes. He turned his gaze to me.

“I’m Uchiha Itakari!” I smiled and waved a peace sign.

“Two Uchihas?” he nodded. “I look forward to our meeting again.” I smirked at him as they disappeared.

“Well,” I said flinging my arm around Sasuke’s shoulder, he flinched. “Let’s head home.” And I dragged my brother toward the compound.

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