"Jeez, Frank. Didn't anyone ever tell you a nice dip in the river could do wonders for that piss you call body odor?" I said, wrinkling my nose as I passed.

"And a good morning to you sweet Lydia. You know I never thought of that." He said in a sickly sweet tone.  Frank, always a one for sarcasm. "I figured my ungrateful brats would at least allow their loving father a bath in the house he owns."

"You don't live here Frank," I said.

Slurring he yelled, "Well neither do you!"

"Frank, don't make me get the bat." Lips face was set in a red glare. "She's welcome here, you aren't."

"Yeah Frank, just get out," chimed Fiona.

"Well fine! I'll just go find someone who actually cares about me!"

"Good luck with that. You've either pissed off or pissed on everyone you know. And you smell rancid Frank." I said as I walked to the fridge. I had my own shelf of groceries on the door that I had bought the other day. Fi didn't mind as long as I didn't let anything expire. I of course told her to use anything there if she wanted it, I use their water and electricity after all. Chipping in was no problem to me.

After pulling the door open and reaching in the door was harshly slammed on my hand and wrist.

"OW, Jesus fuck Frank!" I yelled. Suddenly an even angrier Lip grabbed Frank by the nape of his worn jean jacket and hurled him towards the door as Fiona ran and got the Killing Bat. She yanked the back door open when she got back in the kitchen and held the bat up incase Frank tried to come back into the house after Lip threw him on the floor of their back porch. I was sitting on the floor next to the fridge when the door finally slammed in Franks face and got locked. My wrist most definitely wasn't broken but it hurt like hell and was either sprained or bruised to high heaven. Lip walked over to me and gently grabbed my arm. He still looked extremely pissed.

"Did he break your hand? If it's broken I'm gonna bash in his face." He huffed.

"No, it's not broken. It'll be fine, I think it's just—"

"I'm gonna call V to come take a look at it." Fiona said, cutting me off, as she walked into the living room.

"Really Fi you don't have to do that I'm sure it's fine." Actually as I looked at it it was getting kinda dark kinda quick. Lip looked at me and quirked his eyebrows. I could hear Fi on the phone.


"It's purple." He deadpanned.

"It was just the fridge door! How bad could it really be?" As I said that the front door opened and I could hear V. When I looked she was carrying gauze, tape, and what looked like an old wrist brace.

"Alright Lyd, hand over the hand." She walked right past me and Lip sitting by the fridge and went to the table. Lip helped me up and we walked over and sat in front of her.

"Jesus, how heavy is that door?" She asked.

"It's not as bad as it looks." I insisted.

"Oh honey, that's at least a sprain. And that bruising isn't going away any time soon. It's already swelling, why don't you have any ice on this?" As she said that Lip stood to go get a rag of ice.

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