I made a sharp turn to the left and to my pleasant surprise I didn't collide with my any of my bullies this morning, wait I shouldn't jinx it! I quickly tapped the wood of a nearby door; hoping that would do the trick.

Some minutes later I slid, unharmed, down into my seat in history class. Breathing out. Our teacher, Mr. Owen, had already begun writing on the whiteboard. I relaxed. I was good at history and because of that he usually cut me some slack, which meant that I could basically do my own thing. My tattered notepad was already on my desk, ready for more mistreatment. Yes, that's what happens when you expect me to take understandable notes; you get a notebook with pages that is filled with words in all fonts and sizes, almost completely hidden beneath stickers and doodles.

Mr. Owen rambled on about some "important" war, but I wasn't really paying attention. Soon enough my relatively clean page already started to fill with small and large doodles of Eric. Just as I began to realise how creepy I was -on my fifth doodle- the bell rang its shrill sound. I quickly gathered my things and ran out of the classroom.

And so the day went on. Well, at least until lunch. My other friends, "The Misfits", sat by a table in the far back of the cafeteria. Since I brought my own lunch I went straight to them. I pulled the sleeve down to cover my bandages, didn't need those questions right now. They were chatting about some new video game, I know what you're thinking: "video games isn't something worthy of the name misfits" "it's cool to play video games" "stupid reason to be a misfit". I get it, video games aren't that "geeky" anymore. The video game they're talking about however. Not as usual. They are known as "the misfits" since they like video games that revolve around small, colorful horses. You know what I mean. It wasn't only that either. They loved stuff that others found weird, disgusting or just plainly abnormal. I will not list everything for you, but let me tell you that it involves green monsters and memes. 

I wasn't particularly like them, but they were nice and funny. To hell with narrow minds you know?

Anyhow, I sat down and started to munch on my PJ sandwich. Yes, I like peanut butter and jelly. Don't judge me. They kept on talking, not minding me, and Sean, the one with black and pink hair -yes, the emo one- started to gesture dramatically with his arms. I hadn't paid attention to what had been said, so when an arm almost hit me in the face... I jumped back, not thinking my action through. Although how could I? Surprise didn't leave any space for rational thinking. I flew back. The bench accomplished making me even more  miserable by getting stuck on my legs, so I very much ungracefully fell to the floor, legs still on the bench. 

The chattering at the table immediately stopped. Sean peeked over the bench, a sheepish smile covering his lips. I glared back at him.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked. I nodded, my face heating up as I gathered myself. When I finally got up on my seat again, noticing how all eyes were on me. Odd, who was seated in front of me, snorted at my appearance. Before you ask, his name wasn't really "Odd", that was short for Odysseus, and of course his name wasn't "Odysseus" either. He wanted to call us that since he felt that the hero was cool, it didn't even last a day. Odd stuck, however, he didn't like it at first. Although he eventually wanted us to call him that, because "Max" was too average. And well, he was far from "average". He was short, even more so than me, childlike, both to appearance and personality, had azure blue hair, glasses, and an unbelievingly bright red cap. At least the cap wasn't supporting an angry orange.

"What's so funny?" I asked, lifting one eyebrow at him. He smirked mischievously at me, looked down, then back up to me, still smirking. When I didn't react he did the exact same thing. I furrowed my eyebrows at him which earned me a roll of his eyes.

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