Ch. 20

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20 chapters already?! woah :o


I walked down the hallway at school, holding my books close to my chest. I stared down at the ground, a quiet sigh escaping my lips. It's been about three weeks since I broken up with Peter. He listened to me and never came around me whenever he was Spiderman. I stopped at my locker and looked down the hall at Peter's, seeing him standing there, just staring at the inside of the locker. I frowned and looked back at mine, quickly unlocking it as I focused on his mind.

After three weeks, you'd think I would have already caught the Green Goblin. Where is he?

The same thing he's been thinking since the day after I broke up with him. I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker closed. I have no right to be mad or upset with him, I was just kinda hoping that he would still miss me..guess not.. I quickly walked past him, keeping my eyes ahead.

"Hey, Chloe." I heard his voice say.

I glanced over at him before continuing my way. I probably shouldn't be so bitchy..oh well.

"Chloe, wait.. Please." his voice pleaded, his hand grabbing my wrist quickly.

"Peter, don't." I snapped, pulling away from him, "We have nothing to talk about."

"I don't understand why you left me." he frowned, shaking his head.

"Maybe it needs to stay that way." I stated before quickly jogging down the hall.

I let out a breath as I turned into the classroom, freezing when I realized that I had every single class with him. I slowly walked up to the teacher, explaining to him that I didn't feel well and that I was going to head to the nurses office. Once he nodded his head, I bolted from the room, seeing Peter slowly making his way up the hallway. I turned down the other hall and pulled my phone out, texting Harry.

I know what you're thinking; Chloe. Why the hell are you texting the enemy. Well, recently..He hasn't been the enemy to me. Well, besides when he's the Green Goblin, but when he's just Harry, he's actually pretty cool. I know, I know. Crazy, right? Him causing me to break up with Peter and to mess with my mind to hurt Spiderman whenever he comes near me, but now he's all I have right now. Everyone needs someone to talk to and he's the person I have.

Will you pick me up from school?

I'm already here.

I sighed and quickly walked out the door, seeing the black car he drives. I quickly walked over to it and pulled open the passenger door, sitting down.

"What happened?"

"Peter talked to me today."

"Just ignore him." he shrugged slightly, his hands tightening on the steering wheel as he pulled out.

"I can't exactly do that when he grabs me." I sighed, "I'm kinda hoping to see him as Spiderman soon."

He looked over at me and smirked, causing my eyes to go wide, "I just said that, didn't I?'

He chuckled and nodded, "You're becoming like me."

I bit my bottom lip and looked out the window, not saying anything. He glanced over at me and grabbed my hand gently, his fingers slipping through mine, "Hey, it's okay. Once he's defeated, he won't be any of our worries anymore."

I stared down at our hands and nodded, "I guess so." I whispered, sighing quietly.

Team Peter or Team Harry?! Comment and tell me :D

Thanks for reading!


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