The All Nighter

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We had only been working for three hours and I'm already starting to feel tired. I look down to see I've done fifteen pages already. A good start, but I can do more.

Before we started, we had layed out all the snacks we had, started a pot of coffee, ordered some pizza, and divided up the work.

I finish five more pages and decide to check in on everyone's progress.

"Quick check in! How many pages has everyone done?" I shout over the music.

They all answer back simultaneously and from what I can hear, everyone has completed at least ten or more pages.

Abbie comes back from the bathroom and tells me how many pages she's completed. almost spit out my coffee as I hear the number. Everyone seems surprised as well.

"Thirty?" asks Tyler.

She just shrugs like its no big deal and sits back down on the couch. "I spend a lot of time online," is all she says before going back to work.

I really need to step up my game if I want to finish soon as possible. I drain the rest of my coffee, pop my back and neck, and begin typing once more. By the time my neck starts aching from being hunched over the laptop, I've completed thirty pages.

I'm so engrossed in my work, that I don't notice someone standing behind me until they clear their throat, which startles me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," says Chris.

"It's fine. Just didn't see you there."

He looks over my shoulder and his eyes widen in surprise. "Wow! You've really gotten so much done in a short amount of time."

I lean back in my chair, feeling proud of myself. "I guess you could say I'm a bit... motivated,"

"And what's your motivation?"

"I just don't want to leave after I've met such incredible people. Look at everyone, I've just met them and they're willing to lose sleep to help me with my assignment when they don't have to. One will never find friends like that again."

I still feel a little guilty that they're staying up all night for this but I'm also touched that they were willing to stay up to help me, even though we just met.

Chris gives me a small smile and I smile back.

"We'll make sure you don't leave, Elizabeth." He squeezes my shoulder and leaves.

Not even a minute after he leaves, Abbie and Kaitlyn take a seat on either side of me at the table.

"I'm feeling cornered right now." I joke.

"What's up?"

"I was going to ask the same thing. What's up with you and Chris?" asks Kaitlyn.

"What do you mean?"

She scoffs. "I mean, you two stayed behind last night. Did you guys hook up?"

"Kaitlyn!" snaps Abbie.

"What? I'm curious."

"No, we didn't hook up. We just talked alright?" I tell them.

Kaitlyn narrows her eyes at me. "Something else happened but you don't want to share. What else happened?"

"Kaitlyn, stop pressuring her. Plus, she's not reckless enough to date someone in the house, right Elizabeth?"

"Right," I mutter. Kaitlyn still doesn't look convinced but let's it go. For now. We keep talking for a couple minutes before I send them off to keep working.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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