Welcome To Hartfeld University

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I made some changes to this story. It still follows the same plot line but I've also add some more things to make it more my own instead of just using the lines from the game.

“Welcome to Hartfeld University, one of North America’s most elite academic institutions.”

I tip back my head and laugh at Mark’s womenly announcer voice. “You almost sound like the woman who was my tour guide. She smiled way too much through the tour.”

He takes a bow and helps me with my bags. “Don’t all tour guides? Remember that one from that cruise we went on? Even when I tripped and dumped my drink all over her, she was still smiling.”

“Oh, I almost forgot about that! You stared at her for a second and ran like the coward you are.” Mark puts a hand on his chest in mock hurt but laughs. We get the last of the stuff out of the car and begin looking for my building.

Well, I look for my building since Mark is busy checking out the girls. He even stops to talk to a redhead wearing a very short skirt. He gives me a wink and I roll my eyes at him as I continue on without him.

I keep walking through the the quad, but my bags seem to become heavier by the second. I’ve almost made it to my building when the wheel on my suitcase gets stuck in a crack. I let out a groan and attempt to get it out but it won’t budge. I’ve almost got it out when someone runs into me.

We both fall over and I land on my suitcase and the guy lands on top of me, knocking the breath out of me. I push him away and sit up, glaring at the guy. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” I snap.

The guy looks up and I’m taken aback by how good he looks. Those blue eyes stare at me in surprise and his mouth slightly parts as he takes me in. He finally snaps out of it and gives me a sheepish smile and rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, I was trying to find one of my teammates.”

“Let me guess, football player?”

“Yep, I’m the quarterback.” He gets up and offers a hand to help me up. I take it and left myself up. I try to pull my hand back but he holds on to it. “I’m Chris, nice to meet you.”

I shake his hand. “Elizabeth. Sorry I snapped at you but I was just a bit frustrated.”

“I deserved it for knocking over a pretty girl.” I roll my eyes at him, but can’t stop the smile that tugs on my lips. He looks me up and down, his brow furrowing. “Have we met before?”

“Nope, I would’ve remembered meeting you.”

“You’re probably right. How could I forget someone as beautiful as you.” He gives me a wink that makes me blush against my will. “Are you okay though? That looked like a bad fall.”

I wave a hand at him. “I’m fine, my bags cushioned most of my fall. How about you?

He opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by a blonde girl that wedges herself in between us.

“Chris! I have been looking everywhere for you! Are you ready for the Kappa mixer tonight?” She links her arm with his and smiles up at him. Chris attempts to pull out of her grip but she doesn’t budge.

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