One - They Gonna Clean Up Your Looks

Depuis le début

I looked at my feet. "Yeah. You could say that."

There was silence for a moment, and I was glad that my hair was black enough and long enough so it hid my face. Then he sighed, and I heard him get to his feet.

"You'd better go. We don't want you being late for your next class now, do we?" He said, and I raised my head. He was grinning, and I smiled too.

"Sorry I was late, Mr Way." I rolled my lips into my mouth, and his eyes darted towards the movement before resting on my own.

"That's okay. Just don't let it happen again." He replied, running a hand through his hair.

"I won't." I straightened up and headed towards the door. "See you Friday, Sir."

"See ya."

I left the room, a blush rising on my face. Holy shit that was kind of intense. Okay. Class first, thinking - and possibly panicking - later. Good.


I met Ray at the cafeteria, his hair noticeable from several metres away. It also helped that he was bouncing on the balls of his feet, apparently incredibly happy about something. He was with Patrick and Brendon, and they led me over to a table with one other boy sat at it. Brendon kissed the other boy's cheek, sitting beside him, and I sat beside Patrick, opposite Ray, who was on the other boy's other side.

"Ryan, this is Frank." Brendon said, pointing at me. The other guy - Ryan - smiled at me, waving a little.

"Hey," he said. "I think I saw you briefly in English."

I smiled. "Probably. I was the one pissing off the teacher."

"You've been pissing off all your teachers today, haven't you, Frank?" Brendon winked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, my music teacher's alright with me."

"Who have you got?"

"Mikey Way."

"Ohhhhhh!" Brendon waggled his eyebrows at Ray, who proceeded to blush yet again at the mention of our music teacher. "Ray likes him, don't you, Ray?"

"Does he have a brother?" I asked, directing the conversation away from Ray's embarrassment and his apparent crush on a teacher.

"Yeah, did you not guess by the last name?" Patrick said, laughing.

"All right, okay, I was more preoccupied with the fact that he's a complete ass - oh, shit."

The other four were on high alert, Brendon, Ryan and Ray turning around to look at where the Way brothers were. It was like a scene from fucking Twilight, where we stared at them in awe, except that they weren't vampires, they were teachers. I didn't know which was worse. God, it was weird. Five teenage boys staring at two grown men. What next? Mr Way (the red-haired one) caught my eye, and the tiniest of smirks graced his lips. I looked down at the table, my hair hiding my face as I felt myself blush.

"I so would." Brendon said, and he let out an 'ow!' as Ryan punched his arm. "What? You know I love you, baby."

"Nice save, Urie." Patrick remarked, his chin in his palm and his elbow on the table.

Brendon wrapped an arm around Ryan's shoulders, grinning. "I know."

Just then, a couple of jocks came over. They were typical high-school thug-types, with hair that they probably spent three months styling in the mirror, and I'll bet they all had cheerleader girlfriends. And, as always, they looked like exactly the type of guys who would take intense pleasure in picking on those such as myself. The 'weird' ones. I felt like pouting and saying 'but I'm just the gay emo kid, I never hurt nobody!', but I didn't think it would go down too well.

"You got another freak in your ranks, I see." One of them said, folding his arms. "Who the heck are you?"

I blinked, pretending that I was startled. I cleared my throat, raised a hand to my cheek, and then said, in the most feminine voice possible, "Frankie, darling. And you are?"

Both the jocks' eyes widened, and their faces turned into looks of disgust. "Yay, another faggot." The other said, and I scowled.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" I snarled, my voice back to normal.

"You deaf as well as a pansy?" The first one, the one with brown hair, leaned closer. "I was telling my friend that we have another faggot. Don't get your panties in a twist."

"I wear a thong, actually. If you don't believe me, ask your dad. He took it off for me last night."

"My dad's dead, you prick."

"I know, I'm into necrophilia."

He grabbed me by the tie and pulled me to my feet, his face close to mine. "How fucking dare you joke about dead parents. Do you have any respect?"

"I'll joke about having a dead father all I want, thanks. Mine's dead too."

"Well boo-freaking-hoo for you. Just go back to slit-your-wrist land, because nobody wants you here."

That was it. There was a line, and he just crossed it. I could live with being called a faggot or a pansy, but if anyone made insults about cutting to me, around me or towards me, that was it. I punched him, hard, in the face. Despite being at least seven inches shorter than him, I thought I got a good punch, and his nose started to bleed.

"What on Earth is going on?!" A voice cried behind us, and my eyes widened. Mr Way and Mikey came into view, and I sighed.

"Frank punched me, Sir." The jock I punched said, and Mr Way glared at me.

"But he was provoked!" Brendon cried in outrage.

"I don't care if he was provoked or not; we do not tolerate violence at this school."

"No, shit." I spat, seething with fury. "I don't know many schools that do tolerate violence, to be honest."

"Watch your mouth. You're in detention tonight, Iero. Come to my room after school." The two teachers turned and walked away, and I groaned.

For fuck sake.


Hi all! *waves* I've been busy today, going to seaside towns and listening to Benedict Cumberbatch impersonate Alan Rickman and watching Frozen and such, but I thought that, seeing as this chapter is finished and idk if I'll get a chapter of FILWKY out today, I'll post this:3 instead of Mondays being the update day, I'll make Friday the update day, and then maybe an odd other update during the week or whatever.

Anyway, I'll leave you with this, and hope that you like it!!:)

So long and goodnight,

-xocharr <3 ;;

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