Abandoned house

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alone and saw something laying on the sofa, the box said "Ouija" on it. I grabbed it and took it to the boys, Mikey grabbed it off me and spoke we are not using that, bad things will happened. I laughed and replied don't be silly, I don't believe in that kind of thing. Everyone looked at me confused, I stared back at Rye, who smiled at me. I could tell he had a little, I mean a lot crush on me.

I stomed off into the kitchen, it smelled like death, I looked around but nothing was here apart from an old milk bottle sitting in the fridge, it was  rotten I wouldn't want to know what was growing on the inside so I walked back into the living room because I wanted to know what everyone else was doing, they just chilled out on the sofa with the box in front of them, just staring at it until I spoke guys, what are you doing?

Rye shaked his head and spoke this is dangerous, we shouldn't be here but I was so happy that we found the house and now they want to leave.  "I'm not leaving just yet" I yelled which made everyone jump off the sofa, but Emily we need to go now, Rye spoke seriouly. I still didn't want to and he can't make me go and carried on walking upstairs. Brook grabbed my shoulder to stop me from going up, please Emily he started to cry.

That's when it hit me, there was a loud bang coming from upstairs so I suddenly stop. I heard Rye scream we need to go now unless it's to late to leave. I didn't listen to him, I felt scared but brave at the same time, I shrugged Brooks hand off my shoulder and marched upstairs.

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