Emotions and talking

Start from the beginning

His mother shook her head, "I know, I just can't lose another child. Not...not like this. I can't go through that heartbreak again." She grabbed Lance's hands and pulled them down. "Please, I beg you. Don't make me go through that again. It's too much for me."

Lance nodded and hugged his mother again, "I won't mamá. I promise."

She placed her caramel color hands on Lance's shoulders, "thank you so much. You are the best son anyone could ask for." She planted a kiss on Lance's cheek and exited the kitchen.

Lance raised his fingers to touch where her lips met his cheek and felt tears start to form in his eyes. If only she knew. If only she knew how much of a disappointment I actually was. Lance dumped his ice tea down the sink, no longer feeling thirsty and slowly made his way up the stairs, his legs feeling heavier with every step he took.

Lance swung his bedroom door opened and his eyes immediately focused on his younger brother Benji, sitting on his bed, with his phone.

Lance closed his eyes and opened them, praying his brother would be gone. But alas there he was, still sitting on the bed, still on his phone. "Benji, I'm going to say this once. Put my phone down and get out of my room. Now."

The younger boy looked up at his brother and smiled. "Who's 'Mullet'?"

Lance walked towards his bed and snatched his phone out of his brothers hands. "None of your concern, now get out of my room."

Benji sighed, bounced off Lance's bed and walked over to his door, shutting it slightly before sticking his head back in the door. "Mamá and Papá were right. You have been moody lately," and with that he shut the door, leaving his brother alone in his room.

Lance mocked his brother as he scrolled through his messages from Keith. He reread the most recent message from Keith and slumped on his bed.

(8:02) Mullet: Are you okay???? You're not responding, txt me when you get this

Why is he so concerned about me? He doesn't even know me, he only knows me as the asshole you punched him on the first day of school. Lance laid down in his bed and closed his eyes, listening to the fan spin in his bedroom. After a few minutes of silence Lance managed to respond to the person worried about him the most.

(8:52) Lance: Yeah, I'm ok. Sorry I was doing hw and talking to my mom.

Almost immediately Lance's phone vibrated with an incoming message and Lance forced himself to look at it.

(8:53) Mullet: Oh ok, sorry you gave me a scare. Sorry if I was bothering you...

(8:54) Lance: You weren't bothering me, I just needed to focus on my hw and my parents don't like it if I text while they're talking to me.

(8:55) Mullet: Understandable. My parents are the same way. But you're dodging the question about Rolo. What's the deal with him?

Lance groaned and threw his phone across the bed. I did promise to tell him. Lance stood from his bed and slowly started to put on his pajamas. Everything felt heavy, his limbs, his head, his heart. Lance laid back down on his bed, sliding underneath his covers, feeling the warmth cover his body. He reached over and turned off his lamp, leaving his room in complete darkness. He laid in silence, his fingers twirling his phone around his hand.

I need to tell him, but how much it too much? Should I tell him I vandalize the locker? I feel like he had a hunch but he didn't confront me on it. Mierda(shit), why can't anything be simple? Why couldn't I've just gotten a girl as a soulmate? Or have supportive par- Don't think that Lance! You're family is perfect, you're the one that is messed up. Lance rubbed his eyes in exhaustion, he slowly brought his phone to his face and willed his fingers to type something. I have to tell him.

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