one ring to rule them all

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it was a rainy day as always in the woods you were living . The closest person to you were two hobbits named pipin and meri  . You met them when they tried to steal our food,but the mighty warrior you are you knocked them out. As you were eating your breakfast you heard a knock  on the door . Once you opened it you saw pipin and meri and before you knew it they got inside your house and started eating your food. 

'what are you doing here ?' you asked not trying to sound rude

'just passed to see you,oh and give you this invitation ' pipin told while eating an apple.You took the invitation and quickly . You hardly ever got any messages by your friends or your family . You quickly opened it and read it , it was an invitation to Bilbo's party. You looked at the two hobbits and thought why not ? You always spent much time with Bilbo telling you stories about throrin and kili. You quickly ran upstairs and got a box filled with little stones. You took out some and put them in a little pouch ,then grabbed your little knife and left your house with pipin and meri. Since yo got there you saw Frodo and Sam  with Bilbo and Gandalf. You didn't excepted Gandalf to be there for sure . At night the party began and soon dancing too. You couldn't say that the hobbits were the best dancers but at least they knew some moves unlike you. You would just sit there and eat something or clap along the song. Bilbo went closer to you and told

'would you like to stay here for tonight ?'the hobbit told .You couldn't say no , hobbits were too cute when they asked things. You nodded and went towards Bilbo's tiny house and made yourself comfortable in the tiny bed of Frodo. Such a kind hobbit , you thought yourself as he was willing to give you his bed for you just to stay there with them. You couldn't fall asleep cause Frodo's bed was too small for you to fit in . You took a small walk just to find Gandalf talking   to a bee as you could tell, it was too dark and you couldn't see clearly . 

'come closer , i don't bite' Gandalf told as he let out a small chuckle .You went closer and sat next  to him.  You seemed very tired as you were yawning and rubbing your eyes . Gandalf took his stick and made you fall asleep. Once you opened your eyes you saw bright sun .You were no longer in shair  but in rivendell .You heard many voices and soon enough you heard the voice of Gandalf. As you took a small look you could tel that you must have been sleeping for at least 9 hours .

'the ring must be destroyed,on of you has to take it to Mordor 'the voice of  Elrond was heard 

 'one does not simply walk into mordor ' borormir told .Soon enough an argument had started.Poor Frodo was volunteering himself to get the ring there,but no one was paying him any attention.

'Frodo will take it ' you told and very surprisingly everyone heard you ,the whole argument stopped by the sound of a female voice .  Borormir snorted and looked at you .'whats so funny ?'you asked going closer to borormir and taking out your little knife .He imminently shut his mouth . From the back a small chuckle was heard and it came from Aragon.

'you have my sword' Aragon told kneeling in front of Frodo.

'and my bow' a blonde elf told going closer.He was cute you thought to yourself .

'and my ax' a dwarf told getting up and the boromir followed with Sam .Pippin and meri looked at you and asked 'will you come with us ?'they told with the biggest and cutest puppy eyes. 

' i will come with you Frodo' you told looking at the hobbit from above .Soon enough you all left for mordor. You were only walking for 2 hours you soonly became bored . Then borormir came closer to you .Great you thought to yourself .

'hello,I'm borormir whats your name ?'he asked with a smile .You didn't liked borormir .He laughed at what you said and for Frodo taking the ring to mordor .

'(Y/n)'you told with an angry look .He smiled and then walked away .What was he trying to do ?.

It was night so you all sat down to eat and get some rest .While you were making the tents you heard boromir and the blonde elf shouting at each other .

'LEAVE MY EARS ALONE'the elf shouted at boromir hitting his hands .

'they are so complicated ' borormir told trying to touch them.

' stop it borormir ,he clearly doesn't likes being teased 'you told keeping his hands away from the elf's ear.

'thank you'the elf told with a smile.You gave that smile back and the elf told 'my name is legolas ,what is your name?'he looked at you an you noticed something ,legolas? You have heard that name before . And it just came to your mind ,Legolas son of Thranduil .The son of the man that made you hide i the woods away from your family and friends.The man who made you clay in his hands and torn you apart in the battlefield.The son of the man that made you a monster.You looked at Legolas and then got up .You didn't cared if he would find you rude .Pippin saw that and came closer to you '(Y/n) whats the matter?Did boromir hit on you ?'the hobbit told while munching some potatoes that Sam made .He offered you some potatoes and you ate them your mind still in that you are fighting side by side with the son of your biggest enemy.Soon you all fell asleep .You were sleeping next to pipin and meri .In the night you heard something behind the bushes moving .You woke up Aragon and he woke up legolas. You all came closer .From the bush two orcs popped out and you quickly cut their heads off.Everyone was amazed by your quick reflexes.

'We have to go ,if they were following us  more orcs will come' Aragon told grabbing his stuff.You woke up the hobbits .Pippin couldn't wake up so that's why you started carrying him .He was cute when he was sleeping.

'may i take him my lady?'Boromir asked .So kind of him.You nodded and gave him sleepy pipin. He smiled and you smiled back .From behind a hand was pulling your cloak ,you looked own to see Sam giving you an arrow.'It fell from legolas so i was hoping you could perhaps give it to him.You nodded and went faster to give the arrow to legolas. 

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