After we got inside, the car started and drive. "Where did you get a money to rent this limousine? It looks expensive" I ask curiously. "We don't really have a money to rent this limousine, so we ask a friend to help us." Kukuri reply." A friend." I said. "Yes, his a close friend of ours." Kukuri said and Mamuri suddenly sigh. "Honestly, we didn't get this thing easily, it's so hard for us to make him agree, but we succeeded! And he let us borrow some money to rent the limousine." Mamuri said. "You guys get on does troubles just to rent a limousine for us? Both of you are idiots. We can just easily garb a taxi, than to waste a lot of money to rent a expensive limousine you know?" I said and both of them look at me with a little irritation in there faces.

"Your so cheap (y/n) nee! We only want you to be happy and now your telling us that we're idiots 'cause we rent a limousine for you?!" Mamuri said and cross both of her arms and Kukuri nob agreeing on what Mamuri said, I giggled on how cute both of them look right now. "Both of you really are stubborn." I reply. "And that's what I like on both of you." I said and smile while I pet them both gently. "But next time if you need a help, just tell me okay?" I said and hug them both. "Same goes to you, (y/n) nee." Kukuri said and hug me back. "We're just here for you, (y/n) nee." Mamuri said and also hug me back.

The three of us suddenly laugh. 'I want this moment to last...' I thought and Mamuri give mea mask, a black mask that have a sparkling sliver dust all over on it, that making the mask look more elegant. "What is this for?" I ask and took the mask. "That's for the dance later,didn't you know that we will wear a mask?" Mamuri said and wear a pink mask that have the same design like mine. "No." I reply and stared at the mask on my hand. "So wear it already,(y/n) nee." Kukuri said and wear a blue mask that have the same design like Mamuri and mine. "Okay." I reply and wear the mask.

After a few minutes we already arrived and both of them guickly drag me inside of the gym where there's a lot of students enjoying the party. "They already started." I said and Mumuri and Kukuri drag me on the punch bowl at the corner. "Wait here for a sec (y/n) nee, we will come back." Mamuri said and both of them left. I took a cup of punch and drink it. "it taste good." I muttered, after that a guy walk towards me and stand beside me. "Can I get some drink?" He ask." S Sure." I reply and step a side a little. "The guy stand beside me have a black hair, wearing a black suit and red tie, his tall, looks mature, skinny, but so damn hot,and he wear the same black mask like mine. For some reason this guy look so familiar- no-too familiar.... "So why is that a beautiful lady like you is alone?" He ask and smile. "Actually my sisters left me." I reply and drink some punch.

"Is that so? But what about your date?" He ask and smirk. "And why are you asking me this question?" I ask and glare at him. "I'm just curious~" He reply playfully while looking me in the eye. 'It doesn't matter if I tell him that I don't have a date.' I thought and sigh. "I don't have one." I said. "Huh?" He said like he was making want to repeat. "I said I don't have a date." I repeated and look away. "Ehh? a beautiful girl like you don't have a date?" He ask and chuckle. "Yeah... and how about you mister? Why are you also alone ?" I ask sarcastically. "I have a date." He reply and grinned. "Ohh I see..." I muttered. 'Why do I feel so disappointed?' I thought and sigh. "If that so then go to your date." I said and look at him. "I think she's not ready yet, and-" He said and whisper the last part so I didn't hear it. "And what?" I ask confuse and curious, but he didn't answer and the school president go to the stage and get our attention.

"Good evening everyone, thank you for your help on preparing on the school event today, I am gald that my fellow students help and putting there best to make this event to be a success. And now that I already give my speech- the president throw away the paper the he was reading. Lets start the best part of this party! And that is the special mission! The couples dance! I know that it's normal to have a couples dance today since it's valentines,but we prepared some twist on todays event. Whoever wear the same mask that like yours will be your partner at the dance! But wait there's more, the king and queen of the night will be chosen on the best and sweetest couple that we will found! And now, find your partner and start the dance!" The president said and go down to the stage, everyone is now looking to there partner and started to dance.

My eyes as will as the guy besides me are widened. "What a coincidence." He said and smirk. "Yeah, your right." I said. "So can we dance, partner?" He ask and had over his hand on me. "S sure." I said and take his had and took a step, but I suddenly trip. "Ahh!" I shouted, but I didn't fell because I've been catched by this guy. "Are you okay?" He ask with concern and I blushes, the way he catches me seems familiar, it's warm, gentle, I felt so safe... I can feel my heart beating so fast. "Are we going to dance or we will just hug each other like this?" He whisper at my ear and I blushes, when I realized that I'm hugging him. "Ohh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" I said and pushes him away and he give me this look that saying so cuteee. "It's alright, just be careful next time." He said and pet my head with his gentle warm hand. 'I fee llike... this guy is Izaya...' I thought and look at him in the eyes.

"So let's dance." He playfully said." Sure." I reply. He hold my hand and gently pull me towards him, he put both of my hands on his shoulder and he warp his arms around my waist and gently pull me towards him. Now our face was so close that I can feel his warm breath touches my skin. "Y your t t too close... I said and blushes with a little embarrass,while trying to push him away, but he hold me tighter yet that tight is gentle. "I want you to hear something." He said and I nodded shyly. "O okay." I said and little bit hesitant. He hold my head and gently pull me towards his warm chest. "Can you hear it?" He question and I blushes even more. 'His heart beating so fast...' I thought and nodded. "Yes." I reply and felt that my is also beating so fast. "(y/n), I love you." He whisper at my ear and my eyes was widened while I'm smiling. "Izaya..." I said. 'Yes, this touches, his voice, his love, the warmth,and the way he said my name.' "Izaya." I said once again.

-----Hello minna! (>~<)

I know this chapter is so long.... (for me). (⊙~⊙)

So i decided to have a second part of this chapter. (=~=)

Actually I already finished the part two of this. (I will just edit it.) (-~-)

So it will arrive soon.(>~♢)

Sorry for the wrong spellings and grammar if you found one! (○~○°)


Thank you for reading! (♡~♡)

(Hope you like this chapter! (>~♡))

Bai then~

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