9: Scorch

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Hinata was worried. After Tsukishima stormed out of practice on Saturday, Hinata couldn't find him anywhere. Normally they'd at least walk half of the way home together, but Tsukki was nowhere to be found and wasn't answering his phone. That night, Hinata texted the blonde.

Shōyō (8:02 PM): Hey Kei? Im really sorry I missed u 2day. I hope ur not mad at me or anything. [ •́ ‸ •̀ ]
Shōyō (8:04 PM): I really missed walking home w/ u ( •́ ∧ •̀ )
Shōyō (8:06 PM): I was wondering if maybe u were free 2moro?
Shōyō (8:07 PM): Id really like to see u...
Kei (8:15 PM): I'm really sorry, Shō, I'm trying to finish a project I've been putting off. Are you free on Thursday after school?
Kei (8:16 PM): It's due on Thursday and is worth literally half my grade, otherwise I'd love to see oyu
Kei (8:16 PM): *you
Shōyō (8:17 PM): Ya im free Thursday
Shōyō (8:18 PM): ill meet u @ ur class?
Kei (8:20 PM): no
Kei (8:20 PM): let's meet in the courtyard by the cafeteria
Kei (8:21 PM): okay?
Shōyō (8:22 PM): Sounds great (≧∀≦ゞ
Shōyō (8:23 PM): Cant wait

What Hinata didn't know, of course, was that the project wasn't for school- it was for Hinata. And 'due' was used loosely, only because Thursday was, in fact, Valentine's Day. Tsukishima did not show up to practice on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, let alone share the walk halfway home with Hinata they'd made routine. The two hardly texted throughout the week and the redhead was despondent; though his teammates tried not to comment on the change, it was impossible not to notice the marked difference in Hinata's normally sunny disposition.

By the time Thursday came, Hinata was so unbearably excited to see Tsukishima that he felt like he was bursting at the seams. To the little redhead, it seemed like his excitement was infectious, as everyone around him seemed to be happy. He did not, of course, realize that this was because it was Valentine's Day until halfway through his second to last class-- English-- where they were learning how to say words associated with the holiday. This only helped Tsukishima; because Hinata did not realize that it was Valentine's Day, Hinata thought nothing of their hang out being specifically planned for this particular day. He thought nothing of them meeting at a different spot than usual. He thought of nothing, honestly, other than seeing the boy he'd been spending so much time with.

"Tsukki!", Hinata yelled across the courtyard, immediately upon seeing the blonde at ten to three. He ran over to where Tsukishima stood, under the snow-covered cherry blossom tree. His bag was on the wet ground and in his hand he held a small box.

Hinata was so happy to see Tsukishima he almost hugged him, but he held back; he'd seen Sugawara and Daichi and Asahi and Nishinoya as he walked over, and from where he stood he could see Tanaka and Yamaguchi and Ennoshita. Weird. The whole team wasn't normally in the same area of the school, and it looked like they were all there by some strange coincidence, as very few of them were interacting or even near one another.

"Hinata", Tsukishima said quietly. His heart was beating so hard he could hardly hear his own words coming out of his mouth. He extended his hands slightly, revealing a small burgundy box with a white ribbon on it. "Hm? What's this?", Hinata asked, taking the box from Tsukishima. "Tsukki, did a girl confess to you? Oh! Are you giving me the candy because you don't like chocolate? Pfft, she should've done her research! She could've just asked me, beca--". Tsukishima clamped his hand over Hinata's mouth. "No! Hinata, I-- wait. How do you know I don't like chocolate? I never told you--". Tsukishima shook his head, dumbfounded, and released his hand. "Be quiet for a minute, okay?", he asked gently.

"I lied to you", he said, looking to the ground that was lightly dusted in snow. Hinata's eyes went big, though as requested, he did not make a sound. "I wasn't working on a project for school. I spent the last few days... making these. For you." Hinata looked down at the box. Slowly he peeled the lid open, revealing a dozen heart-shaped chocolates in various colors inside. "I worked really hard on them. I've never made chocolates before, but I wanted them to be perfect. Because, I needed it to be perfect when I tell you..." Hinata gasped, "Tsukishima..." "...that I love you. And I have loved you for a while now. And I'm pretty sure I will always love you. And... I want..." Tsukishima finally got the courage to look Hinata in the eyes. This was the most important part. This was the part he felt in the depths of his soul. Fire flashed in his eyes as he said the magic words to Hinata. "...I want you to be mine."

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