“I don’t need your help. I need to jump.” She started shivering from the cold, soaking to the bones from the rain.

“I can take your pain away, Alessa. Come with me.” Extending his hand, Hades continued his stride towards her in hopes that she’d come down on her own.

She didn’t.

“No. If I don’t do this then more people will die. Greer is going to die!” She knew that he was trying to convince her not to jump, and yet if he came any closer than she’d tumble right over the edge.

“Yes, but I can ensure that she will go to a better place. She will be reunited with her mother.” Hades said, truthfully. He could make it happen. He’d done the same for Elizabeth who had a tearful reunion with her children that’d come after Alessandra that’d died at birth.

“You’re lying. I don’t believe you are who you say you are. Leave me alone!”

He couldn’t be on this plain any longer or he’d grow weak. The human realm drained his powers and his powers were limited. He’d already been there too long and he already felt himself growing weak. With no souls to collect, his strength was deteriorating faster.

“Alessa, please—”

“No. Stay away from me. If my mother was correct then you’re the reason I’m in this mess.” She laughed hysterically. “You are the Devil.”

It hurt to hear her say that, but he pushed the minor pain away and he squared his shoulders and kept his arm extended. “I can help you and explain all of this. Please.”

“No.” No matter how many times she said it, it seemed like no one listened. She wanted to be left alone. “You are not Hades, this is just my mind playing tricks on me.”

Fearing for her, Hades took three giant steps forward. Noticing this, Alessandra whipped around to face him; she wouldn’t be subdued and taken against her will back into that hell of a home anymore. She would carve her own path to freedom. He didn’t know what it was like for her to grow up unable to live like a regular human being. She was ripped of the freedom.

And now she was going to be free.

Her body was weightless as she threw herself off of the balcony. Hades shouted after her, but his voice was drowned out by the wind and rain. With the fall, she released all of her worries because they were behind her now. She would begin anew with her mother and Greer in the afterlife.

The thought comforted her as she braced herself for the impact at the end of the jump. She was fearful, but finally at peace.

Hades had not expected her to go through with the jump. He knew all of her losses were great and they were taking a toll on her emotional wellbeing, but witnessing this was terrifying for the God of Death. He knew that she wanted to be free but he had not gotten to show her how freedom felt.

He wasn’t fast enough to catch her in time and he heard the defining crack as her head made contact with the ground. The rock below her head was the culprit of her undoing. Blood began to pool around her head and Hades had to move fast.

She wasn’t dead yet.

Conjuring up the last of his strength, he searched for his power and willed it to transport them into the infirmary ward of the palace. He’d envisioned Morton and he appeared exactly in front of him with Alessandra cradled in his arms. The physician looked to him before he finally turned his attention to Alessandra.

“Oh my, what happened?”

“No time to explain. We’re leaving. Now.” Morton didn’t have to be told twice. He touched Hades’ shoulder and the God of Death closed his eyes and pictured the Underworld—his home.

Darkness descended upon them, swallowing them whole so that their bodies could be transferred. Meanwhile, Hades felt all the strength he had begin to drain and he knew he’d need to go to revitalize his power soon. If it weren’t for Alessandra, the familiar tremble that’d begun in his hands would’ve been detectable.

They were pulled from the human realm and Hades knew it was only a matter of time now. He hugged Alessandra close to his chest because he honestly feared for her. He hadn’t meant to actually collect her soul and if she died, then there wasn’t anything he could do to help it.

Dead was dead. Even he knew that he couldn’t cheat death.

They materialized in the foyer of the grand palace, and as the dark shadows around them pull away, so did the last of Hades’ energy. He collapsed on one knee, heaving air into his lungs. He hadn’t felt this bad in a long time. He needed to recharge if he were going to be next to Alessandra when she woke up.

“Hades, you’re back!” Winnie barreled in from the ballroom with the skirt of her dress swaying behind her. She stopped when she saw that he was carrying someone. “Who is this?”

“Her name is Alessandra and I need you and Morton to look after her.” He signaled for the physician. “She threw herself off of her balcony and hit her head. See to it that she’s patched up and well.”

“Yes, Lord.” Morton nodded.

“I will take her.” Though she had skinny arms and a slimmer frame, Winnie was strong beyond compare. She lifted Alessandra effortlessly in her arms, unmoved by the fact that blood began to drip on her custom designed dress.

“Thank you.”

He watched as Winnie and Morton walked briskly down the hall towards the infirmary wards and he trusted that they’d be fine until he got back.

“You were up there too long, boy.” Gemma commented from behind. Hades rose on shaky legs to his full height to turn around to face his grandmother standing right behind him. Even he didn’t hear her come up to him. His grandmother had been a master of stealth. “Look at you, you look sick.”

“It is nice to see you, too, Gemma.” He walked forward to quickly kiss his grandmother on her forehead and then he began to walk away. Though he hated to be away from her, he needed to rejuvenate because Gemma had been right. He wasn’t well at all.

“That girl will cause nothing but trouble. Be careful.” She warned him. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Hades didn’t reply as he conjured up the image of Olympus and vanished.

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