Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s point of view

It's 2:47am and I can't fall asleep. The guys suggested that I call in 'sick' so I can rest and stay safe from the new animatronics.
After ten more minutes, I decide to get up and drink a glass of water. I get out of bed and see Chica sleeping soundly on the floor. I open my bedroom door and Bonnie snores loudly in the middle of the hallway.
Foxy sleeps quietly on the sofa and Freddy snores lightly on the floor beside the couch.
I walk into the kitchen and pour some water. While I sip a little of it at a time, I look out the window into the night. I'm lucky that I did because I see my patio light on. I turn it off quickly because I'm still trying to pay off bills, not make more.
I flip the switch and the light goes off, revealing darkness and golden eyes.
'Wait, golden eyes?' I think and strain my eyes to get a better look. I blink a couple times and the golden eyes go away. 'Must've been my imagination.'
I shrug and walk back upstairs to my room.

~Time skip~

I wake up to someone gently shaking my shoulder. Slowly, I open my eyes and see Foxy standing over me with a soft smile.
"Morning (Y/N). Breakfast is ready. Come on down when you're ready." He says and leaves my room.
I sit up and look around to let my eyes adjust. I look out my bedroom window and see the beautiful sunrise. I stare out the window for a couple of seconds. When my eyes are fully adjusted, I see green eyes and blue hair and blue bunny ears at the window.
I jump out of bed and run to the window.
I look outside frantically but, see nothing. I shake my head and close the curtains.
Chica knocks on the door. "(Y/N)? Are you ok? If you don't hurry, Freddy and Bonnie will eat everything."
I open my bedroom door and smile like nothing happened. Together, we walk downstairs to the kitchen and sit at the table.
"Stop hogging all of the bacon, rabbit!" Freddy says with irritation. Bonnie has a mouthful of food when he looks at me.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" He says while crumbs fall out of his mouth. I wave and start to fix my own plate. I start to pour my orange juice and look out the kitchen window. Hopefully nothing suspicious is outside this time.
"Um, (Y/N)..." I jump and look at Freddy who is looking over my shoulder. "Y-yes Freddy?" I ask.
"Your orange juice is overflowing." He points to my glass and I look down.
The orange juice is starting to drip on the floor. I quickly clean up while everyone watches me with concern.
"You ok, (Y/N)?" Bonnie asks. "You seem pretty jumpy and distracted." The others nod in agreement.
"I'm fine guys." I paste on a smile and finish cleaning my mess.
Chica doesn't seem so convinced.
"Are you sure? You can tell us anything."
I nod and we eat in awkward silence.
I would tell them about the weird things popping up at my window but, I don't want to worry them with what are probably just hallucinations.

~Time skip~

After washing the dishes, Chica shows me a brochure of the town amusement park.
"Can we go (Y/N)?! It would be great for all of us to hang out at a fun place!" I smile and get dressed.
Once everyone is ready, I find hats for the boys so no one wonders about the animals ears on their heads.
I drive us to the amusement park and pay at the front.
We have a great time! We go on rides, eat different foods, and just have a great time with each other.
After a few hours, we are sitting on a bench eating cotton candy.
"(Y/N)?" Chica whispers hastily into my ear. I turn to her. "Can we go to the bathroom for a minute?" That's when I remember how much lemonade Chica drank along with the food she ate. I stand with Chica.
"We're going to the bathroom. We'll be back In about five minutes." I tell Freddy, Foxy, and Bonnie. They nod and Foxy chuckles when he sees Chica doing a little potty dance.
We run to the bathroom and Chica runs into the port-a-potty. I stand outside of the door.
"Excuse me, Miss?" Someone taps on my shoulder. I look and see a man with a light blue hoodie with the hood over his head, blue jeans, and blue converse looking at me. The main thing that catches my eye are his familiar light green eyes.
"Me and my friend are lost. Can you show us where the exit is?" I look at the guy's friend. This guy had a hot pink shirt on, a white base ball cap, blue jeans, and white shoes on. His eyes are... golden?
"Miss?" The Guy with the blue hoodie waves a hand over my face and bring me back to reality.
"Um, sure." I say. I lead them to the entrance on the amusement park.
"Thank you very much miss!" The guy with the white cap says. "We have extra park tickets in our car that we can repay you with."
'Now this sounds way too stereotypical! The moment I get close to their car, they'll snatch me up and take me to who knows where!' I think and shake my head. "I'm waiting for my friend to get out of the bathroom. I have to go." I say and start to walk away.
The guy with the hoodie grabs my wrist.
"Please. We insist." He states and pulls me into the parking lot. I try to pull my arm away but, the guy's grip tightens.
"Hey! I said I'm waiting for a friend! Let me go!" I say to the guy holding my wrist.
The second guy with the cap tries to grab my other arm but, I slap him which knocks the hat off of his head. Pink fox ears are on his head where the hat was and I finally know who these people are.
Mangle and Bonbon.
Mangle rushes to put the hat back on his head before anyone sees the ears and Bonbon starts to quicken his pace. I fight as much as I can but, Bonbon pushes a button on some car keys and the car beside us comes to life.
Mangle kicks the back of my legs, making them go out from under me and Bonbon pushes me into the car. Before I can try to escape, they jump into the car and lock the doors.

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