Chapter 4

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You wake up, with a familiar warmth that greets your chest and stomach. Looking down, you see not your usual Sylveon, but instead a small boy with ginger hair. Remembering where you are, you sigh and put an arm around Jamie. He stirs and looks up at you with tired eyes. "Good morning, sleepyhead," you coo and he smiles.
"Good morning mama,"he yawns and stretches a little. 'Mama?' You think, but quickly shake it off. You sit up as he gets off of the bed, grabbing his discarded meowth toy from the ground.
"Hey Jamie," you begin as he heads toward the door, "Can you send B up here? I want to talk to him about that thing we discussed last night. He nods and leaves.


A soft knock at your door takes kicks you out of your day dream. "Hello? It's open!" You say, swiveling the desk chair to face the door. B enters, a hesitant look on his face. You smile and motion for him to come in, which he does, but doesn't bother to take a seat. "What's up, B?" He avoids your gaze and looks around.
"Uhh... I assume J already told you my about my interest...? I am wondering if you would like me to fulfill the task." You chuckle a little, and he finally looks at you, a bit confused. "Wh-what?? Did I say something amusing?" He asks.
Shaking your head, you respond, "no,no. I think it's funny how you talk so properly when you're not around A. It's as if he brings out your inner hooligan." You grin and he seems less tense, rubbing the back of his neck. "About the 'task,' however. I think it would be an amazing thing for you to fill out the Alolan pokedex for me, as I am trapped in this Arceus forsaken place. I can pay you for the duties, if you would like." He considers you for a second, but shakes his head.
"No, that will not be necessary. Our boss is putting himself in the way of your job, and as long as you are here, you need somebody to do it... considering he won't let you leave, and all..." his shoulders sag for a moment as he prepares himself for his next statement. "I'm sorry about him, by the way... he is quite a handful. He does seem to like having you around, however. His mood is much less... how should I put it... shitty?" You chuckle and he continues. " I'm not lying! He's treating us better and it's quite nice!" You nod.
"Yeah... he's kind of a bitch though, I'm not sure if I trust him. I don't feel that he's hurt sylveon yet, though, so he can't be too terrible." You tap your foot in thought. "Why would I cheer him up, though? He hardly comes in here, and when he does it's either hella awkward or we're on the verge of yelling at each other." You look away from B's stormy blue eyes and sigh.
"I- uh.... I dunno, (y/n)." He goes back to avoiding looking at you. "Oh! Umm... when will I start...?" He asks suddenly and you snap your attention back to the tall boy. You stand up and rummage through your bag, tossing out things at random until you find your rotomdex, which had been sleeping in one of the various pockets. It flicks on and zooms around the room.
"Goooooood morning! Are you finally going to take me out to get zzzome pagezzz completed?" It asks, hovering in front of your face. You gesture over to the grunt standing awkwardly in the corner of your room
"No, but he will!" Rotom turns to his direction, then 'whispers' in you
"Are you sure you truzzzt that guy? Hezzz apart of team skull!" You sigh, shaking your head.
"He's helping me out, Rotom. And if he troubles you in any way, I expect you to report it to me immediately, okay? You know my gear number, just shoot me a text and I'll make sure he doesn't lay a hand on you afterwards, alright?" B looks a little offended by your words and you turn to him. "B, I trust you and all, but rotom here is a bit stuck up, so don't be angry at me!" You smile and lead rotom over to the grunt. "Have fun!" You call out as he leaves.


A few hours later, your door opens and an angry looking boss storms up to you as you're organizing your bag. "When the hell did I ever say it was okay ta talk trash about me, huh?" You shrink under him, which really just seems to feed to his rage. "If yer gonna talk shit about me, say it ta my fuckin face!" He roars. You drop the berry you were holding and look up at him in fear. "Don' lookit me like that! You know you've been doin it! Hell, I even heard you doin' it earlier when that stupid grunt was in 'ere!" You are practically shaking now, tears prick at the corners of your eyes. Riek summons himself and stands between the two of you. He cautiously places a paw on Guzma's chest, giving him a look of warning. Guzma sighs and shakes his head. His voice has somewhat softened and he says, "If I hear ya doin' this shit again... just. Don't, alright? 'Night." And just as suddenly as he appeared, he is gone. You are left in the corner of the room, Riek hovering over you.

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