Chapter 3

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     Hey there! So, I have a question- should I try and continue with the (somewhat) gender neutral pronouns, or go with fully female pronouns? It's kinda hard with the gender neutral ones, but if y'all want me to continue with 'em, I certainly will!
     Anyways, there's a bit of French in here and the translations are at the end! I hope you enjoy~

Edit: yeah, no. I changed it all to female pronouns because of some stuff I have planned, sorry!

It has been about a week since you've been staying in Team skull's "Boss" hideout (as A had described it). Guzma had only showed his face around you twice, a lot of the grunts, and even the team skull admin, showed up a lot more frequently. Plumeria, which was the admin's name, was a lot more of a joy to be around than her boss. In fact, she would talk and gossip to you while you made your 'new room' actually livable. She healed Tye for you as soon as she heard you had loss, brought you clothes, and comforted you as you ranted about how much you hate Guzma.
     You were surprised at how young all of the grunts were, they were all under the age of 20, most of them being in the 14-17 age range. The youngest member was a sweet little guy at the age of 7. He called himself J, but you figured out it's short for Jamie.
     Jamie visits you every day, even after being scolded by Guzma almost every time. He had trouble sleeping, and would mainly visit you during the night after he had a nightmare. You would wake up with him curled up next to you, sleeping soundly and cuddling you, sharing your warmth.


     There's a knock at your door. You are sitting at your desk, petting Tye and reading a book Plumeria had given to you. "Come in," you say, not bothering to look up. You expect A or Jamie to enter, but it's Guzma. He stands in the door frame, looking around at the clean room. You turn in your chair to look at him. "What's up." It wasn't really a question, more of a statement, actually. You didn't really want a reply, just wanted him gone.
     " I'm jus' here to talk," he says, meeting your glare with a calm, relaxed gaze. You nod and motion him to take a seat on the bed. He does, and you turn back to your book. "Nice set up ya got 'ere. What did ya do with the boxes n junk?" You had almost forgotten about the boxes that littered your room before, filled with misalliance appliances, clothes, and junk.
     "Plumeria took care of them, ask her." You say, not bothering to look up from your book.
     "Hey, is yer fire... lizard? Okay? He took quite a beatin' from Pod." You look up and glare at him, a familiar twinge of anger showing itself in your chest. You grit your teeth
     "He's fine." As if to back you up on your statement, he spits out a small ember in Guzma's direction. "And he's a Typhlosion," you say. "I don't address your Golosipod as a ' big water bug', do I?" Shaking your head, you look at Tye and pet the top of his head affectionately.
     "Well, no. But I've never seen one ah those guys before." He shifts so that his elbows are on his knees and he's looking at Tye, almost eye level. "Also- ya said that ya can't get Sylveons in Johto... where'd ya get 'im from?" He asks, shooing away another ember that Tye sent in his direction.
     "Same place where I got Lucario. Kalos." He seems a bit taken back from your response.
     "Woah, Kalos? I've heard that place is hella cool," he says smiling. "Can ya speak their language?" You nod and clear your throat.
     "Je peux, mais je suis un peu rouillé.*" He let out a gasp and you roll your eyes and turn back to the desk you were sitting at, picking up the book.
     "Can ya... like teach me?" You sigh and run a hand through your hair.
     "I can, but I won't. It takes too much time." It's almost as if you can hear his hopes fall.
     "But ya teach A stuff, why can't ya teach me?" Touché. You do teach A some stuff, but really, it's just common sense since he dropped out of trainer school.
     "When will you ever go to Kalos?" You ask, trying to avoid his question. You hear him shrug behind you, and he gives a 'I dunno' type of noise. "Plus, I only teach A simple things, like Type matchups and stuff like that. You know, since he dropped out of trainer school to join your stupid gang." Venom was dripping from your voice at the end of your statement and this time Tye was the one who could feel anger burning in you. He climbs into your lap (halfway, because he's too big) and nuzzles you.
     A knock on your door snaps the awkward silence that was forming, and you say a silent thank you as you get up to answer the door. Jamie is standing there, holding onto a cute meowth plush. You crouch down and give him a hug. "What's up, Jamie?" You ask, ignoring Guzma's glare from across the room.
     "Uhh... B was wondering about.... umm," he cuts himself off as he sees Guzma glaring down at him, causing him to grip onto your shirt, clinging to you as if you are some sorta savior. You turn and return Guzma's glare and pick up Jamie.
     "It's okay, honey," you coo into his hair as he hugs you. "The big 'ol cotton ball over there won't hurt you~" your voice is soft, and soon calms him down. You sit back down at your desk chair and Jamie settles in your lap. "Now what was B wondering?" You ask, ignoring Guzma who was glaring daggers into your back. He shakes his head and grips your shirt again. You sigh and turn to Guzma again. "Leave," you say, lacking emotion in your voice.
     "Why?" He asks, his voice taking a slight edge. You roll your eyes. "This 's my fuckin' mansion, I'm allowed ta do whatever the fuck I want." You scoff and cover Jamie's ears.
     "He's scared of you, that's why I'm telling you to leave. You probably stole the place, anyway. Watch your mouth, too. He's only seven." His shoulders stiffen as he prepares another retort.
     "It's my house now, and why the fuck should I care if he hears me cuss? He chose ta be here, not me! Him joinin' was 'is choice! So it's because of his choice, not mine." He's practically yelling now and you take a hand away from Jamie's head to rub a temple as an attempt to soothe a growing headache. You feel a bit of a wetness on your shirt and looks down to see Jamie crying.
     "fils de pute*...get out." You aren't joking, and you certainly don't want to argue any further, since it would just worsen Jamie's mood. Guzma seems to notice the crying kid in your lap, as his shoulders slack and he looks a bit crestfallen.
     "Ah shit.... I'm-" he runs a hand through his tangle of white hair and stands up. "Shit..." he repeats and heads toward the door, mumbling to himself.
     Once he leaves, you gently rock the crying kid, and rub his back in an attempt to comfort him. He sniffs as he begins to calm down and rubs his eyes. "Boss is scary..." he mumbles and you nod. "Do you think he's gonna yell at me when I leave?" He asks.
     " if he does," you begin, trying to look courageous, "I'll make sure he never goes near you, once I'm done with him." You give him a smile, and he returns one of his own.  "Now, what does B want?"


*Je peux, mais je suis un peu rouillé.- "I can, but I'm a bit rusty."

*fils de pute.- "son of a bitch."

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