Chapter 4 : Mr.Landlord the Bro

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----- Julie's POV -----

"Oh my, brother? Is that you?", Hershel replied with a hint of amusement. At this moment, I decided to just give the phone to the now confused Earl. "Brother what the hell is going on?", with Earl now having the phone, now I can enjoy my already lukewarm tea. I feel like I'm watching a drama now except I'm one of the cast and this happened.

There was a moment of silent, until something finally clicked on Hershel's mind. "Oh brother, I'm so sorry I forgot that the house had a tenant already", with that Earl face palms with frustration. If I wasn't involved in this, then I might be laughing and enjoying my cup of tea.

"The hell bro, if you're saying this house is occupied already, then where am I supposed to live now?", with that question still hanging, now we're waiting for Hershel's answer while he's still thinking of a solution.

"I got an idea but I need to ask for permission first from Ms.Westcott, or Julie I suppose", rolling my eyes, I prepared myself to receive and hold the phone but there's something more that he need to say.

"Oh also there's something that I think you need to know", Earl glanced at me for awhile, leaving Hershel hanging for awhile. The other side probably raised an eyebrow after hearing that. "She actually finds out about..", gulping the words that was hard to come out, "me being a werewolf".

Once again a moment of silent, except this one felt more intense than before. Since we're on the phone, we didn't know exactly what was Hershel's reaction other than through his voice. Finally, Hershel cleared his throat and sighed.

"Brother, I don't know what were you doing but you know that you can just persuade her to not tell anybody if that's the case?", surprisingly Hershel sounded really calm and collected. "Well you know me bro I'm not a persuasive person, I tried to persuade pops to not kick me out and look what happened, ah also please don't tell pops about this".

From what I imagined the Hershel bro must be having a headache right now although he still sounded pretty calm.

"Fine, I won't tell father about this. Please just give the phone to her and we'll sort this out", Earl immediately gave my phone back with eerie feelings. As I finally had my phone back, I replied to the phone. "Hello?".

"Hello Ms.Westcott or maybe you prefer Julie, it seems that my brother had caused a little problem about this werewolf stuff", I sighed in defeat. "Yes si-, I mean Hershel and yes I do prefer Julie better". I hoped this idea that Mr.Landlord had was a good one.

"I'm sorry for the trouble that my brother had caused you, but I had an idea on how this can bring advantages to both of us", I raised my eyebrows, advantages to both parties? "So my idea is basically to split the house for two, since from what I remember there's 2 useable room for both of you".


"What I'm trying to say is, is it okay if my brother stay in that house with you? You can be housemates if you agreed", at this point I was unsure on what should I do. Living with a stranger guy who turns out to be a mystical creature who can eat you anytime doesn't sound like a good idea.

"If you're worried about the bills, then you don't need to worry because I'll be the one who will pay your bills. I'll also make the rent cheaper if you agree on this". Oh my, what a convenience.

"Deal then", I said hurriedly, this was one of a very good opportunities that rarely happened to me. No more bills and cheaper rent? I'm in. "I'll let your brother live here".

Amusement appeared on Earl's face, while Hershel probably did the same. "Alright then, thank you for accepting my offer Ms.Julie, then I hope my brother won't cause you anymore trouble in the future, although he might be I believe", Earl scoffed with his brother's statement, murmuring that he won't be that troublesome. I couldn't help to smile a little with the grown up guy who acts more like a pup, sitting in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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