Virid L. Macedonne - (RWBY) - Force of Nature

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Name: Virid Macedonne
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straght
Species: Human
Appearance: Equipped with a pair of whitesteel greaves and combat boots, a green muscle shirt with a chest harness and a waist-mounted leather holster atop earthy green track pants, Virid is more than ready for a brawl, his emerald eyes shining from their spot 167cm off the ground.  His brown hair is cut short, but not extremely so, allowing it to grow out but never to a length that would impede his eyesight or be a good target for pulling, the cells much darker than his sunkissed skin. He also wears a pair of green fingerless gloves to slightly reduce the impact of hits delivered with his fist to himself.
Personality: Virid is very sarcastic and cocky, often finding that other's orders and conventions will only serve to hold him back. As such, he is argumentative and often seen as hostile, happy to embrace humanity's darker parts. As the third eldest of a family of accomplished children, he has grown simultaneously used to and resentful of those who are naturally successful, especially those who seem unaware of it. That said, he is still a good person, willing to put his life on the line to help combat the forces of darkness. One of his major goals in life is to defeat his eldest brother, an accomplished huntsman who has served as his idol through his teenage years. This is the source of his search for combat, seeking to get better at fighting until he can overwhelm his brother. In a similar fashion, his more rebellious traits are just that, traits developed in rebellion to his family and their expectations, made by an angry child who then used them until they stuck, artificially modifying his personality.
Aura colour: Black
Semblance: Showstopper
Virid's semblance is as simple as it is brutal and effective. His body absorbs 99% of his remaining aura into his body and increases it's function's efficiency, which massively increases his speed, strength and reaction times, but only leaves him with enough aura to stop his own blows and movements from injuring himself. When he ends Showstopper, he gains back 50% of whatever amount of his aura he had upon activating Showstopper.
Weapon: Verdant Dawn, an eight-shot revolver painted a sleek black with a dull green chamber and grip, designed with the ability to fire high-impact dust rounds or light dust bombs. When it mechashifts, it takes the form of a black bladed 205 cm glaive, which he is able to imbue with elemental power. It's shaft is has a blue leather wrapping just under the blade, in the middle of the shaft and at the end of the shaft, which is itself a rich green. Even without Verdant Dawn, Virid is adept at using his bare hands in combat, mostly in a mix of kickboxing and brute force throws or punches.
Faction: Beacon
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Crush: Open
Backstory: Virid is the third youngest sibling of the youngest generation of the Macedonne family, a great clan long known to produce warriors of tactical mind and strange semblance. Virid, however, seems to have been rebelling against the idea since he was born. He never took well to the lessons and lectures, always preferring to learn by experience even if it caused more than his fair share of failure. It has also, however, hardened him to future failures, as well as accentuated his ability to improvise and create on-the-spot planning. Despite this, however, he has not had a smooth transition to maturity, nor has he even reached maturity yet. He has and continues to find fighting and brawls incredibly satisfying, creating a reputation among his home town and combat school as a delinquent. Despite this, he has proven time in and time out that he has the skill to become a huntsman, with the potential to become a mature man, if he ever grows up. This is, however, somewhat impeded by his obsession with proving himself the most capable of his family, a stubborn and childish desire that he clings to nonetheless.


1. Vale is a wonderful kingdom, Hey? Home to the prestigious Beacon Academy, it's a veritable paradise among the Grimm filled wasteland of Remnant. The heiress of the Schnee family even just finished visiting. Word around the block is that the heiress is going to be a huntress in training in 3 years, when she comes of age, similar to her sister before her. Of course, with that, now people are wondering if she will choose to attend Beacon. Of course, that's ridiculous, right? Atlas would make so much more sense, really. Maybe you should think of something else, though. After all, you're only thinking of stuff like that because you're trying to take your mind off the nerves that have emerged, since you're now waiting for the bullhead to start flying, the machine making a one way trip to Beacon itself! And as an aircraft privatised for use by staff and students only, that would make you one of their new students, just enrolling this year! Wait, no, now it's there and all the nerves are back! Damnit!
While you're stuck in your head dealing with the nerves, a boy strolls into the aircraft, seeming confident enough, with a dignified air. Judging by his bright clothes, he's a huntsman, alright. He takes a look around the bullhead, before moving to and sitting down next to someone a few rows behind you, at which point you lose sight of him. It'd be rude to stare, after all. The next thing that catches your eye, however, is another boy who enters the bullhead. This one seems to radiate a much different air, his body language giving off a lack of seriousness, mainly the goofy smile on his face. Without so much as a glance, he strolls towards your seat and sits down in the row adjacent to you, then turns to look at you, as if sizing you up. "Sup?"
The disclaimers for this scenario are pretty much the same as the disclaimers in Vermell's 1st scenario, though the unfortunate accident is a lot less fun with Virid. Your turn!

2. The Fall of Beacon. A catastrophic event carried out by a single, mysterious woman, leaving even the headmaster of Beacon dead, along with countless thousands of nameless others. The amount of power that would have been needed for such a task was just... inconceivable. While some of those caught in the disaster had chosen to stay in Vale, others had left. You were one such person. Whether you felt like you were needed more at home, had been told to leave or whether you just couldn't take the new memories associated with the place, you just couldn't stand being in Vale any longer. So, taking some of your savings, you paid a smuggler to ship you out of the Kingdom, heading to the Kingdom of Vacuo. However, it appeared that you weren't the only one with the same idea. When you entered the cargo bay of the smuggler's ship, you explored. It took barely a minute to find (either, A: a boy, who was, judging by his willingness to travel and his outfit, a huntsman or B: Your acquaintance/friend/teammate/partner, Virid), his legs crossed over each other and his hands paced stop his thighs, a think scar running along the length of his forearm. "Hey." After a short period of silence, his voice broke the peace, solemn and subdued.

3. Much like the previous 3 in Vermell's chapter, 3 is reserved for an older Virid and possibly older 'Your character'. Read that chapter to see the specifics. For your information, though, Virid will likely be less powerful in the long run than Vermell.

4. If you wanna make a scenario, go right ahead! I welcome the creativity!

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