Aster Errial - Hot Chocolate

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Name: Aster Errial

Age: 17-27

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Ifrit

Appearance: Aster stands at 186cm tall, his head decorated by a single ebony horn originating from his scalp under a black thicket of hair that curves down to barely touch the collar on the back of his hoodie. His sight is made two piercing Amber eyes, described as burning when he becomes excited or angry.
His usual choice of clothing is a black hoodie with a single horizontal lavender stripe over his abdomen, worn over a black t-shirt decorated with the words 'Chocolate Crazed' and blue denim jeans, usually choosing to wear violet combat boots.

Personality: Aster is a kid who's grown up with a very easy outlook on life. If something is wrong, fix it. If something isn't broken, don't fix it. He enjoys laughing and jokes, though is often described as loud or annoying by those around him. He is incredibly stubborn, willing to literally fight for something he believes in.

Likes: Chocolate, Cooking, Flowers, Fire, Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, Iced Chocolate, Pies, Cold weather, Snow, Rain.

Dislikes: Magic, Liquorice, Magic, Iced Coffee, Summer, Hailstorms, Magicians.

Other: Somehow, not only does he have the abilities native to an Ifrit, but he's also somehow mutated the ability to control and create fire, as well as teleport. Magic causes him intense discomfort, then sickness, then eventually death, depending on his proximity and the strength of the spell.


1. Magic. It's a strange force, one the modern world has only just discovered. As such they have also begun to notice certain things, things previously hidden by the human race's inability to perceive what they didn't understand. One such thing, is the supernatural races. These races, ranging from Vampire to Angel, have been declared as incredibly dangerous worldwide, due to their natural connection with magic and the supernatural. You're a human, working with a scientific firm that is attempting to standardise magic practices, making it possible for all of humanity to become attuned and able to defend themselves from these new terrors in the night. You've been a good worker, recently promoted into working in the deeper levels of one of their 'outer' research centres. You've been told that you'll be working with some sedated creatures, attempting to study them, categorising them and learning if they have uses for humanity.
Unicorns, dragons, all of the creatures from your childhood fairytales were present and bound to the floor of a cage reinforced by both science and magic, but you were led past them. You were told to put of a fire retardant suit, a mere safety precaution as your superior assured you. When you did, you were led through a final door, clad in five layers of thick metal and fire retardant. What you saw inside was... shaking.
Whereas before, there were animals restrained to cages, this room was rather different. The walls were covered in magic circles which periodically released a pulse of mana, the mystical energy seeping into your body and empowering you with a feeling similar to having just woken from a satisfying nap, but then realising you could run the entire length of the continent. More importantly, however, there was a boy, one who couldn't be a day older than 17. He was dressed as if he was lazing about in his home, his clothes casual but not quite bedwear. What shook you, however, were the hoarse screams of agony he was releasing and the pools of vomit surrounding him. His skin was unnaturally pale and crackly, his frame gaunt and his head clutched his his hands.
"A fine specimen, this one. A supernatural creature who is afraid of and vulnerable to magic. How strange, hm?" It was your superior. He incited your curiosity. Upon first glance, he was normal, but now you could see that, hidden within his black tresses, was a single ebony horn, though it was glowing a soft green. He was a supernatural creature.
"I'll leave you to get... used to him. You're assigned to him until he expires. Please attempt to learn what you can of his species." Your superior said, exiting before you realised you had been distracted by your thoughts. The boy seemed to have yet to recognise your prescience, or stop screaming.

2. Magic. It was a wonderful thing, one that humans had known long before science truely began. The year now is 2015, however, where science and magic strive to coexist. So much so, that there have been a wave of new schools opened that teach both science and magic, enabling an entire new generation to learn of the benefits and disadvantages of both. You're a student of one such school, when a new law was introduced. As a measure attempting to make humanity and the supernatural races interact, schools that taught both science and magic were required to teach and employ both supernatural races and humanity, effective from the second semester of the year.
Lo and behold, it was the second semester, when you walked into the familiar school building. The peace didn't last however, for as soon as you walked into a hallway, a boy walked out of said hallway, a head on collision resulting from the actions of you both. "Oh, come on! I dropped my books!" The boy complained. Hen you looked up at him, you noticed two things about him. One, he was eating a block of chocolate and two, he had a large ebony horn growing from his scalp. You've just collided with one of the new students at the school, a supernatural.

3. Feel free to suggest a scenario, if you want to do another one. We can discuss, the chance I'll agree is pretty high.

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