Icey_Kid: Stop thinking for a moment and relax glass maybe cuddle with a pillow and fall asleep!! You'll be rested and fine don't worry too much!!

Glassplant: ... Resting makes it more prominate usually... I think the problem is my mind can't do nothing so to desires to imagine scenarios of stuff...

Icey_Kid: Why not watch TV?

Glassplant: Listening to YouTube, still happened.

Icey_Kid:Imma just hug you 'till your better :3

Glassplant: *yawns*... I need to go to bed... It's 1 am... I'm tired...

Icey_Kid: Kk!! Good night!

Glassplant: Night... *yawning*

Icey_Kid: *carries glass to her bed*

Glassplant: ... Icey I'm fine... Pluse I need to. Change... And go blush my teath I was drinking coffee and I don't need it staining my teath.

Icey_Kid: Alright just sit up!! I'll get your toothbrush and toothpaste!! And other stuff you need!!

Glassplant: I'm fine icey! I just need to focused for a few minutes on what I am going.

Icey_Kid: No you rest

Glassplant: I have to feed my mice! *yawns*

AriesChong9: S L E E P NOW


Glassplant: I need to feed my mice!

Icey_Kid: G L A S S...

AriesChong9: Right after mouse feeding it is. And washing up

Glassplant: Just fed them and washed up while arguing with Icey. Now I need to turn of the lights get my socks on and get in bed.
I love my micies.

Icey_Kid: Night!!

Glassplant: *grabs her home made sock sans* night... *goes to bed only to look over at the mice tank to see Luna playing with the wheel causing it to bang on the talk and produce a sound*

Icey_Kid: *guards glass while she is sleeping*

Glassplant: ... Their mice icey... In a tank... They just wanted the sunflower seeds I put in... *watching the tank* Spesificly Celestial...

Icey_Kid: Nope im still guarding you

Glassplant: *watches Luna come out, grab a seed and go back to hiding as Celestia moves about the tank* they are so cute. I rarely get to see them out. * watches the two sisters stare at each other.*

Icey_Kid: Hmm..

Glassplant: I love my mice even if I work about them fringing themselves of the wheel... They've done it... Luna used it to get on top of the water bottle in the middle of the night waking me up...

Icey_Kid: Sleep glass

Glassplant: Right... Night... *pulls up her covers cuddling her sans stuffy she made and goes to sleep*

Icey_Kid: *guards*

Bug_WolfCaster: Awww, Glass you're precious

Icey_Kid: Shush ma'm is sleeping

AriesChong9: Hello my child! Do you want some cookies while you guard? :3 Freshly baked out of the oven!

Icey_Kid: Oki mama , Thwank u

AriesChong9: Also, morning to you Bug!

Bug_WolfCaster: Hi

AriesChong9: *hands Icey a cookie* want one bug?

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