Emmet x Reader///Cake

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For Fandomz_Fangirl

If there was one thing you learned about Emmet, it was that he had a sweet tooth. He loved all sorts of pastries and sweets. Perhaps that why you took up baking.

You were going to make cake for him because of a special reason. His birthday. Of course, Ingo helped set up the party. But you were Emmets girlfriend so you got more cookie points.

You smiled as you took the treat out of the oven. "Ah! Hot!" You flinched as the pan seared your hand a bit. You put it down and examined the burnt area.Nothing bad, thank god.

Looking at the cake you smiled. It had come out perfectly! The layers were right, no messy edges. Flawless!

Now all you had to do was decorate it.

Grabbing the vanilla icing you began to practically dance around the cake coating it in the substance. Smiling, you looked at it once you finished.

"Do I smell deliciousness!" Came a familiar voice from the doorway. Whipping around, you saw the tall man dressed in white.

"Hey! I just got finished!" You smiled at him. He returned the gesture and stared at the cake. You rolled your eyes, "The cake is for your party, silly."

"I know but I have a question."

"What is it?" You looked at him, curiosity sparking in your eyes.

"How much sugar did you put in." He asked. You laughed at his question. Of course, you shouldn't have expected anything else.

"A lot."

"So its very sweet."

"Yes, Emmet. VERY sweet."

"Hey, Y/N." He glanced at you. You looked back raising an eyebrow.


"Nothing can be as sweet as you."


Sorry for lack of updates. I lose motivation and gain it at random points. I'm a bad author, yeah I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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