Muddy rain

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Papa Rappa, Sunny Funny, Crowla, and Lucio were lost in the forest and caught in the rain. They were sitting under a thick branched tree in hopes of getting any relief.

Papa was reminded of the soaked lonely nights he had spent in the wilderness. It was something else he had dealt with on his search.
I hope there aren’t any coywolves this time.

“Maybe we should try again tomorrow,” Sunny said leaning on the tree, “I don’t think this rain’s gonna let up,”

“No, we’re gonna keep this up till we find him,” Papa said crossing his arms and looking bleakly into the distance.

“You’re. Insane,” Sunny said.

“Hey, you were the one who wanted to do this. I’m totally fine with you just going home if that’s what you want,” Papa tapped his foot.

“Well uh… I’m saying it for your own sake too. How long have you been searching for PaRappa anyways?” The rain caused static over everyone’s voices.

“Uh, Uhm, I actually can’t remember how long it’s been. Kinda hard to check the date when you’re focused on one thing all the time,”

“How is that even possible?” Sunny couldn’t understand never ever checking the date.

“The green my friend, the green,”

“The weed?” Lucio misheard over the rain. He was inside Sunny’s dress pocket.

“...No!” Papa shouted. Sunny was trying and failing to keep from laughing. Papa sighed, “I doubt the rain’s gonna pass so i’m just gonna go, ok? Are you comin?”

Sunny looked around her situation. She was drenched, muddy, and freezing. The gal just wanted to get lost in a blanket next to a fire. Tea to heat up her insides as well. The thought made her sleepy.

“I’m comin!” She was already in the mess anyway, sleep could wait.

“And I still have no say in this whatsoever,” Lucio said in a sarcastic happy manner.

“Well where else are you gonna go?” Sunny said looking into one of her pockets.

“...Anton’s” Lucio had to think.

“To be completely honest I have no idea how to get there from here,” Sunny stated blatantly.

“I don’t know where we are either,” Papa said.

“Well than how about you guys use the bird!” Lucio pointed to Crowla who was preening in the rain.

“I don’t know how to get it to do what I want! It’s just following us!” Papa said. PaRappa Putt Crowla (He died before he was ever called Gyro) heard them loud and clear. He also wanted to help, but it didn’t seem like his father knew how to get it, “You’re a pinata! Try talking to him!” Papa yelled over the rain.

    Lucio had a hard time remembering that he was a pinata. It wasn’t what he was used to being.

“Uh, Hello there small bird!”

“Crowla,” Sunny whispered.

“Hello there Crowla! Would you happen to know where the factory is from here?” Lucio asked nicely.

Crowla was amused that they were talking to him like this. He knew them his whole life yet they treated him as a stranger. Well, except for Lucio who Crowla had only known for a day or two, “This isn't gonna work. Crowlas like eating me anyways,” Lucio stated back to the group. Crowla flip flapped up over the canopy and spotted the easy to see factory. It wasn’t that far away.

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