chapter 3

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We sit in the small room waiting for the doctor for about 20 minutes and we make light conversation.

"So. You you guys know what you'll name him or her" I ask the boys.

"Well. If a boy then we will name him Jonathan Andrew Cade Jr After johnny" pony says giving johnny a sweet look.

"And if is a girl her name will be Ocean blue Cade" johnny says.

"Those are lovely names" I say giving my stomach a rub.

The door opens and a man in a white coat walks in. His features remind me of a vulture. With a curved back thinning white hair and his long nose that resembles a beak.

He looks kind of scary.

"Mrs.Randle?" He asks

I nod.

"Very nice to meet you dear" he says with a slight smile.

"Hello doctor....."

"Dr Bird" he smiles.

I smile at the fact that his name is Bird and he resembles one.

He shakes my hand then has a seat.

"Ok. So this is you 3rd pregnancy correct?" He asks

"Yes. I have two children" I say.

"Mmmm. Have you had any miscarriages"

"Yes. With my first pregnancy I lost one of the twins I was carring" I tell him

"Ok dear" he says in a sweet voice.

"You got injected about a week ago. Correct"

"Yes sir"

"Ok. We will run a few blood tests and a urine test." He get up and walks to the door.

He takes my hand with his own cold hand and gives it a small shake before leaving.

After a few minuets a nerse comes in with a tray of stuff to take my blood and a urine cup

She takes three viles of blood and I go and use the cup.

"We will contact you tomorrow with the results." The nurse tells me before we leave

"You boys want to head home or get a bite to eat?"

"You want to head to the dingo" Johnny asks

"Sure" I say I make the turn to the dungo.

We park and walk inside. We set in a booth that is in the corner.

The boys set on one side and I set on the other.

Soon a blonde waitresses comes over.

"Hi." She says in a annoyed voice "What do you want" she says. Smacking her gum.

"Hi hon. Can I get a bacon cheese burger and a chocolate milkshake." I say.

She rolls her eyes and looks at the boys. "What about you."

"Two cheeseburgers. A coke and a large chocolate milkshake" pony says

She turns and walks off to the kitchen.

"Wow she's a bitch" johnny says quietly

I laugh "ok Johnny"

She comes back a little bit later and sets down the plated and drinks with a loud clatter and walks away.

"And my last claim still stands" johnny says before taking a drink of the soda.

We eat for a while. Ponyboy grabs the milkshake and puts two straws in it.

The Curtis's Unknown sister continuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ