chapter 2.

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I help Liza to the bed as soon as we got home.

She was eager to get to bed but she wanted to talk to me.

"Robbin. How have you been. You know with the whole having Johnny's baby" she asks

"I am completely ok I only got 'injected' a few days ago and we are pretty sure. I'm going to the doctor to see today"

"This baby has hardly been in there a month and is already taken so much out of me." Liza says leaning back against the pillows.

I smile and kiss her for head. "It will get better. I only hope all the guys come out safely. There are now three pregnant girls in the family." I smile. "I think Frankie and Dallas will be over soon. As well as Two bit and Denver. " I tell her "but I have to go back to the doctor today. To see if I am actually pregnant and I am taking the boys too. They are bugging me something tearable"

She smiles. "You are being a chatty Kathy today. I might go too. There might be something wrong with the baby and it's affecting me too" she says and looks at her stomach.

I give her a reassuring look and grab her hand. "Do you want me to get soda for you or do you want to sleep." I ask her.

"I want to sleep thanks thought. I'll see you after the visit" she says

I walk out of the room and close the door quietly behind me.

When I walk into the living room everyone is setting around. Almost all the guys have a beer. The girls just sip on iced tea. I can hear their conversation as soon as I walk in the room.

"You really already knew I was gay" pony asks darry.

"Of course I did. And I knew you liked Johnny too".

"What! How"

"Hold on a sec." Darry sets down his beer and walks off to another room when he returns he has an old record in his hand "for one thing you played the hell out of ma's Shelly Fabares record."

As soon as he placed the needle on the record, pony's face turn bright red.

Johnny looks at him and smiles. "Awe! Pony! It's so sweet!"

Johnny pulls pony to his feet and they start the song over.

Johnny wraps his arms around pony's waist. "Johnny angel you're an Angel to me" pony whispers the lyrics in Johnny's ear

Johnnys face turns pink as the song go on.

The girls on the couch start to sway to the song happily when it is over the boys set back down and smile at each other

"Secondly, you had a dairy. Which you didn't hide very well"

"Why the hell did you read it" pony says in a whiney voice

I laugh. "Stop picking on the boy"

Johnny smiles at pony "well I think it's sweet"

"I have to go home now. See y'all tomorrow" I say with a smile.

I give my goodbyes and make my way home.

I get home and see the lights are all out. I open the door

"Hello? Steve hon you home" I get no answer

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