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12:34 pm, 20th December, 1976

Remus sunk down into his seat as the train slowly pulled out of the station

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Remus sunk down into his seat as the train slowly pulled out of the station. Truth be told, he was looking forward to going home to see his family but he'd been particularly distressed over the past few days and a long holiday would not help.

"Moony, are you even listening?" Sirius waved his hand in front of the boy's face.
"What?" He asked slowly.
"My plan! My master plan to get Lily to date me! Did you not hear about the squid?" James raised his eyebrows in shock.
"Squid? What?"

Sirius ran his hand over his face as James let out a long, overdramatised sigh.

"I'm going to give Lily two choices, either go on a date with me or kiss the giant squid. It's brilliant but I'm not sure how to catch the squid..." He explained again.
"Great... Well done." Remus' eyes glazed over as he tuned out the conversation again.
"Then she'll marry me an-You're not even listening! Again!" James exclaimed.

Sirius now let out a long sigh.

"Okay, Moony." Sirius grabbed his friend by the shoulders and shook him.
"You need to get a grip. Either you go and make up - or out - with her or you find yourself a new girl. It's simple." He explained, continuing to violently shake the boy.

"It's not simple! James?" Remus looked to his other friend for help.
"The making out thing, I think you'd like that but that won't work. You need to find yourself a giant squid." James suggested.

Sirius and Remus frowned.

"What?" They asked in unison.
"Merlin, you really need to start listening to me because what I come out with is pure gold." James folded his arms.
"So you aren't going to tell us?" Sirius chuckled.
"Well of course I am." James grumbled.

"Moony, you need to find yourself a squid. You need to find something to hold against Harper so she has no other choice but to-"
"Prongs! No! What?" Remus pushed him away.

"It's simple enough! If you back off then you're just admitting defeat." James continued.
"You don't back off but that doesn't mean you'll win." Sirius pointed at James.

"Merlin's beard... Why do I listen to you two for relationship advice? You haven't been able to get one relationship to last longer than a week and your hopeless crush won't even give you a second glance!" Remus complained.

"Aright Mr. Sass, calm down there's no need to take out you sexual frustrations on us." Sirius held up his hands in surrender.
"Sorry, there's just no point in even trying anymore." He held his head in his hands.
"Not like you were really trying in the first place." James mumbled to Sirius.

Harper was sat at the other end of the carriage having an equally miserable time with Lily and Marlene.

"Marls, listen, I heard Alice taking about-" Lily stopped gossiping as the compartment door slowly slid open.

"Merlin..." Harper muttered as she look up to see Snape.

"Sev! Come in, sit." Lily stood up and gestured for him to sit opposite her, beside Harper.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Snape." Harper greeted curtly.
"Wonder why... Brooke." Snape replied slyly.

"Sev, any plans for Christmas?" Lily glared at Harper before turning back to her friend.

Harper looked to Marlene for help, "Seriously?" She mouthed which caused Marlene to giggle.

"What was that?" Lily asked.
"Nothing, just going to get something to eat. Don't know what's wrong with her." Harper gestured towards Marlene before stepping over Snape's leg and exiting the compartment.

"Harp... er!" She recognised that voice and turned to see Sirius jogging towards her. She glared at him, "Harper." He clarified with a cough.

"What are you doing?" She asked, walking past him.
"Don't want to go down there, might bump into Moony." He warned with a laugh.
"What do you want?" She snapped.
"Okay, okay, seen Peter? He went to get food and has completely vanished." Sirius folded him arms.
"Since when were you bothered about other people?" She sniggered.

Sirius opened his mouth to reply but couldn't actually argue with what she'd said.

"You should speak to him you know." He suggested with a shrug.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Just tell him you're not interested, it'll be so much easier for both of you." He insisted.
"Both of who?" She asked, walking away from him.

Little did he, or anyone, know, Harper couldn't stop thinking about Remus. She missed him so much and the fact they were avoiding each other broke her heart. But, she was just too scared to say anything, she was so scared of her family hearing about him. If Harper's Mum couldn't keep her dad safe from their family then how could Harper protect Remus? If she ever dared mentioning so much as walking past a half blood her family would kill the boy, let alone if they found out he was a werewolf.

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